Example sentences of "evidence to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It also provided some of the strongest evidence to date that Sellafield did directly and routinely harm people 's health .
2 All the evidence to date — and there is a considerable body of it by now — shows that physical methods of punishment ( the deliberate infliction of pain on the child ) may for the time being suppress the behaviour that it is meant to inhibit but will not form character .
3 The evidence to date is that DHAs and independent sector employers are taking Derek Dean 's predictions seriously , and are preparing to defuse the demographic time bomb by revamping their image to attract the attention of potential returners , and by setting up re-entry schemes which will help to instil confidence in staff who feel nervous about coping with new and demanding roles .
4 The evidence to date on the relative success of this organisational change in many schools in England and Wales is ambiguous .
5 On the evidence to date , however , there are grounds for judging unions in relation to management as slightly the lesser sinners .
6 The only evidence to date regarding respiratory illness is that of Pinnock et al ( see table I ) , which was equivocal .
7 The evidence to date does not suggest that there is a substantial benefit but further studies are awaited .
8 Certainly , on the evidence to date , the savings achieved by efficiency scrutinies , the enhanced departmental knowledge available to ministers through information systems , and the increased resource consciousness among civil servants brought about by the FMI , would suggest that the public sector has much to gain by the introduction of managerial techniques originated in the private sector .
9 Despite the relatively large amount of specific and varied information given In the article on Ali Tusi , however , it is impossible on present evidence to date precisely his departure for Persia .
10 Sane enough to arrange for your wife to cart off the incriminating evidence to King 's Cross Station and stick it in a left-luggage locker — ’
11 The results of research with such instruments would enable general practitioners to provide scientific evidence to managers on why they may be using more expensive management options for a particular illness when the managers exert pressure on them to use the cheapest .
12 Key areas where ‘ perverse incentives ’ are most likely to pressurise NHS and SSDs after April are best indicated by the Institute of Health Services Managers ' evidence to Parliament , where it complained that there was no satisfactory delineation of social care from health care .
13 A defence counsel would tear his evidence to shreds on that fact alone . ’
14 He had never dreamed that his enemy would dare show his face in the army , and Lord John 's presence seemed evidence to Sharpe of just how the cavalryman must despise him .
15 ‘ Above all we must ask are we providing the evidence to customers ( whoever they are that will enable us to secure a successful outcome for all of us in AEA ’ .
16 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
17 Scientific examination adds another dimension of evidence to authenticity studies which , taken together with the art historical evidence , can allow us to make an attribution with much more confidence .
18 The report deeply angered Price Waterhouse because it had not given evidence to Senator Kerry 's subcommittee .
19 Sir Robert Mark , Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis ( 1972 — 1977 ) , had always advocated the need for the police to have adequate notice of processions in public places and included such a suggestion in evidence to Lord Scarman at the time of the Red Lion Inquiry .
20 ‘ I should be glad to give evidence to Lord Justice Scott 's inquiry . ’
21 Typical comments were : ‘ Standardised documentation and therefore standard quality ’ , ‘ More attention to recording work done ’ , ‘ Written evidence stresses requirement for better organisation ’ , ‘ Better planning and more partner involvement ’ , ‘ Focused attention on essential areas and cut out unnecessary work ’ , ‘ Focuses attention on principles ’ and ‘ Committing audit evidence to paper ’ .
22 In its evidence to Williams , the Board had strongly supported the statutory test of obscenity because of its unique relevance to the sort of films which were repeatedly found most pernicious .
23 Thus the Greater London Council proposed in their evidence to Williams that the law should prohibit any depictions ‘ which purport to portray an unlawful sexual act ’ , a course which might have ruled out sin as a serious subject for filmed drama .
24 Have they , like good social scientists , been rigorous , robust and balanced in examining alternative possible theoretical interpretations of the evidence to hand ?
25 Jesus clearly believed that the main aim of the ( Old Testament ) scriptures was to point people to himself ; which means in practice ( if we add Luke 's evidence to John 's ) , that through repentance and faith men and women should find the forgiveness and life which he had died and risen to make possible for them .
26 We consulted widely with the Membership before submitting our evidence to John Warne .
27 So the prosecution handed their expert witnesses to the defence , and pulled their evidence to pieces .
28 Other ways of guaranteeing the reliability of antislavery evidence to MPs and government included appeal to acknowledged experts such as the Scots scholar and historian principal Robertson on the likely ramifications of ending the trade and the personal appearance or signed testimony of first-hand witnesses — naval captains , inhabitants of or travellers to the West Indies and the occasional victim of the slave trade .
29 ERA presented all this evidence to Glasgow District Council who finally admitted that there was a problem with the housing stock but said they had not got the money to put things right .
30 Mrs Bottomley would not be drawn on whether it was a public inquiry , but told BBC Radio 4 's PM programme that all who wished to give evidence to Sir Cecil would be able to do so .
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