Example sentences of "hope for the " in BNC.

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1 This is not to suggest that all , or indeed any , should be discarded ; if England have to go for maturity and hope for the best , so be it .
2 So it 's surprising that when we 're staying in a guest house on a walking holiday we 're content just to order ‘ a packed lunch ’ , and hope for the best .
4 * Care for the Elderly and Hope for the Hurt Mind
5 But there was nothing for filmmakers to do but plunge on , grab every chance that came their way and hope for the best .
6 With all my heart I hope for the failure of that first book — no , volume , of mine , from beginning to end not trash , but heartless pretence .
7 All his energy was concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other , to get out to the Lock before Marie provoked Simon into uncoiling his other self , the one hidden behind the attentive , polite , charming Simon in whom Marie had invested so much of her trust and hope for the future .
8 There is some pardon to be had , and hope for the future .
9 It is not enough to rely on vitamin pills and hope for the best .
10 When life seems strange , uncertain and frightening , the church should provide a sanctuary from which emanates understanding , support and the possibility of new attachments in all their variety and hope for the future .
11 I do n't know what you 've got planned , there , but a decent boys ' day school is not something to be entered into lightly , it 's a hell of a commitment , I mean I send mine to the local primary and hope for the best …
12 Liam just decided to ignore it all and hope for the best .
13 I would just wait at home and hope for the best — you know , that a decent price would be bid .
14 Do the best you can , hope for the best with the unpredictable and try to keep a sense of humour .
15 Hope for the return of rain to make Ethiopian grain lands fertile .
16 Hope for the success of peace negotiations between Bosnian and Serbian peoples .
17 It would provide homes for the homeless , hope for the hopeless .
18 ‘ Oh well , hope for the best .
19 2Care* * Care for the Elderly and Hope for the Hurt Mind
20 So when you holiday in Britain you can wish for good weather and only hope for the best .
21 ‘ I give them aspirin and hope for the best .
22 This important breakthrough gives us hope for the future ’ .
23 This important breakthrough gives us hope for the future ’ .
24 Meanwhile , we must accept an uneasy status quo and hope for the best .
25 Among the women themselves there 's the feeling that you hope for the best and expect the worst , a deep pessimism that patriarchy rules and scarpers without paying the bills .
26 It is a programme that holds out more than hope for the underclass .
27 But to deliver this programme successfully will require an invigoration of left politics , where hope for the dispossessed spreads to a sure-founded belief amongst the electorate that there is , after all , a worthwhile life after Thatcherism .
29 Yet in the 1930s the Soviet experiment , in the eyes of Western intellectuals , had a monopoly on health , vitality , youth and hope for the future .
30 ‘ I 'll just have to keep pestering and hope for the best . ’
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