Example sentences of "die from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the plain fact is that this number of children are dying every day — dying from diseases we know how to cure .
2 A campaign has started to try to cut the rising number of children dying from solvent abuse .
3 Is my hon. Friend aware of the proceedings of the international menopause conference which point out that the number of deaths of women in the post-50 age group from heart attack and particularly stroke is twice as great as the number dying from osteoporosis and 10 times as great as the number of deaths from breast cancer ?
4 It was the most inspiring experience of my life and the visit provided food for my hungry spirit which by then was slowly dying from malnutrition .
5 A UNHCR official , Larry Hollingworth , who returned to Sarajevo yesterday , said 160 male war wounded remained in Srebrenica but no one was now dying from malnutrition .
6 I have patients with real illnesses — patients who are dying from cancer . ’
7 When a lawyer is invited to comment on the continuing care of those dying from cancer , the first reaction of many is surprise .
8 And it is surely dying from cancer with dignity which requires bravery .
9 A LOVELORN Italian woman dying from cancer has travelled to Plymouth in search of her British wartime sweetheart .
10 Nicholas , who lost both eyes to stop him dying from cancer , was Jacko 's special guest at his open-air concert in Leeds .
11 In the Medical Research Council 's trial the relative risk of dying from cancer for men receiving atenolol was 1.9 compared with placebo ( 1.2 to 2.8 ) and 1.4 ( 0.9 to 2.2 ) compared with diuretic .
12 When millions around the world are being killed in war , dying from starvation or living below the poverty line ?
13 As of late February Monrovia was said to be calm , with emergency food and other supplies flowing in , and some shops reopening , although relief agencies emphasised that people were still dying from starvation .
14 The same day the USA was reported to have extended its food airlift to the town of Baidoa , where hundreds were said to be dying from starvation each day .
15 Many are dying from starvation before they reach safe havens in Northern Kenya .
16 Shrubs , which had been dying from lack of water since the supply had been cut off , were suddenly green and straight again in a brief moment of health before the rising waters overwhelmed them .
17 Mrs Burke , who would have been 100 next month , was found dying from head injuries in her bed on Monday .
18 According to a WHO report published on Oct. 16 , almost 3,000,000 people were still dying from tuberculosis every year .
19 An American study examined the causes of more than 68,000 deaths and concluded that for both men and women , low levels were linked with an increased risk of dying from lung cancer , digestive disease , stroke and trauma — the latter including accidents and suicide .
20 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
21 Civilisation is now threatened with possible destruction : the atmosphere is heating up and the seas are rising , trees are dying from acid rain , a hole in the ozone layer appears over the South Pole .
22 STRICKEN Olympic skating star John Curry broke his silence yesterday to admit that he is dying from AIDS .
23 The day after the story graced the front page of the Derry Journal one well-placed local moron assured me that ‘ half the school 's on heroin ’ and that a number of pupils were presently ‘ dying from AIDS ’ …
24 It heard of the dilemmas faced by families and doctors in deciding on giving or with-holding treatment from severely brain-injured babies , people dying from AIDS , accident victims and elderly people with poor long-term prospects .
25 In the UK , lakes in Snowdonia National Park , most of mid Wales , the Lake District , Cairngorms , Pennines and even on the Surrey heaths , are dead or dying from acidity .
26 A CANINE hero who helped save a dog which was dying from rat poison is now looking for a good home .
27 ‘ More to the point , as they struggle to find their way to the coast — having realised the nature of their predicament , pendant to an encounter with their hairy forefathers that will leave half their number blinded and trepanned and two-thirds of the remainder dying from blood poisoning — they will gradually come to see the uttermost folly of their own moral precepts , their spiritual baggage , their transcendental ballast .
28 I mean , a sudden leap in the statistics for people dying from Aids or some disease they have n't put a name to yet . ’
29 When Oscar found him , Mr Jones was on the verge of dying from hypothermia .
30 One thing we did know for sure was that it was not keep-fit exercises that we needed but homes that were ‘ fit ’ to live in and incomes or benefits that prevented us from having to choose between dying from hypothermia or malnutrition !
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