Example sentences of "create at a " in BNC.

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1 The remainder of the upper-storey accommodation , which was created at a slightly higher level in the eastern half of the main east-west wing , is reached from the ground floor via a spiral stair .
2 It was not created at a good time for ballet music and these scores are relentlessly trivial .
3 Lower down the hierarchy and , apparently , quite independently of his seniors , the young William Armstrong ( who was to head the Treasury in the 1960s and the Civil Service in the 1970s ) was , as Brook 's private secretary , trying to make sense of the proliferation of committees , some of which had been inherited from the Coalition while others had been created at a considerable rate by the new government .
4 ILPs in one notable respect , namely it permits the possibility of the same solution being feasible for both branches created at a node .
5 The NHS was created at a time of post-war reconstruction , when large sections of British industry were being nationalised by the Labour government .
6 ( The Atlantic , though dominated by an enormous mid-ocean ridge where new sea-floor is being created at a modest rate of about an inch a year , is home to only two very small subduction zones , with volcanoes and trenches , in the Caribbean and the South Sandwich Islands , and therefore is not being destroyed at its edges as rapidly as it is being created in the middle ; the Indian Ocean is similarly undramatic — a mid-ocean ridge once again , but a single subduction zone where its eastern plate collides with the Eurasian Plate and produces the volcanoes that — like Krakatoa — line the southern side of the islands of Java , Sumatra and Timor . )
7 In a static , unchanging universe , the question of whether it has existed forever or whether it was created at a finite time in the past is really a matter for metaphysics or religion : Either theory could account for such a universe .
8 Example 3:11 Option to renew ( 1 ) The tenant may by notice in writing served not less than six months before the date on which the term hereby granted is expressed to expire call upon the landlord for a further lease of the demised property ( " the further lease " ) provided that up to that date he has paid the rent and reasonably performed and observed his covenants ( 2 ) The further lease shall be for a term of ten years from the said date upon the same terms and conditions as this lease ( save as to rent and as to this option for renewal ) and at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( 3 ) In determining the rent payable under the further lease the arbitrator shall have the same powers as would be enjoyed by the court determining a rent for the demised property under section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and shall disregard the same matters as are therein specified ( 4 ) This option shall be of no effect if the tenant fails to register it as an estate contract within three months from the date of this lease Example 3:12 Option to renew contracted out tenancy If : ( 1 ) the tenant wishes to take a further tenancy of the demised property for a term of five years from the expiry date of the term hereby created ; and ( 2 ) the tenant gives written notice of his desire to the landlord not more than six nor less than three months before the expiry of the term ; and ( 3 ) up to the date of the notice the tenant has paid the rent and substantially performed his covenants ; and ( 4 ) the tenant joins with the landlord in making an application to the court for an order authorising the exclusion of the provisions of ss24-28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 in relation to the further tenancy ; and ( 5 ) the court makes such an order then the landlord shall let the demised property to the tenant for a term of five years from the expiry of the term hereby created at a rent to be agreed between the parties or in default of agreement to be determined by arbitration and otherwise upon the terms of this lease ( except this option for renewal ) Example 3:13 Clause negativing perpetual renewal Nothing in this clause shall entitle the tenant to renew the tenancy for any term expiring more than twenty years after the beginning of the term of this lease
9 Two hundred new jobs are to be created at a bakery to meet a big increase in demand for its cakes and confectionery .
10 Fourteen new jobs are to be created at a Chilton factory set for big expansion .
11 FOURTEEN new jobs are to be created at a Chilton factory set for big expansion .
12 THREE hundred jobs may be created at a superstore at Falkirk .
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