Example sentences of "plan for a " in BNC.

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1 Moscow , USSR : At the same time , 12,000 miles away , a delegation from Amnesty 's International Secretariat is making plans for a fledgling Moscow Group to participate in the Women in the Front Line campaign .
2 I made my way home each night with at least some notion of hope and plans for a new assault on Wilde .
3 Europe 's supercomputing industry has received a boost with unveiling by German company Parsytec of plans for a new range of parallel machines .
4 Australian Mutual Provident executives were yesterday believed to be mounting plans for a takeover which could be one of the largest acquisitions made in the British life insurer sector .
5 In the final weeks of the Reagan administration , State Department plans for a ‘ surgical strike ’ against General Noriega were scotched by the Pentagon , which estimated that any use of US troops would cause several hundred military and civilian deaths .
6 There are distant plans for a Burke 's range of repro furniture and wallpaper .
7 CHINA 'S political turmoil has had a ‘ traumatic ’ effect on Hong Kong , but in announcing plans for a Bill of Rights and expenditure of HK$127bn ( £10.1bn ) on a new international airport and port facilities , Sir David Wilson , the Governor , made a bold attempt yesterday to bolster the territory 's confidence .
8 BRITAIN 'S plans for a new generation of anti-tank weapons , involving projects costing more than £3bn , could be thrown into turmoil after the discovery of new armour on Soviet tanks .
9 Today , closer to Clapton ( geographically ) than he 's been in a long while , Anthony Newley is relishing the chance to prove he 's still up to a tough dramatic performance eight shows a week and , to follow , he has plans for a musicalised Richard III .
10 KATHLEEN MACK , a 74-year-old stud owner , has forced a development company to amend its plans for a new overspill village for Cambridge by turning down a £6m offer and chasing the company 's surveyors off her land with a shotgun , writes Christian Wolmar .
11 There was never any prospect of a ‘ Yes ’ vote being recorded , and the treasured plans for a Welsh assembly to occupy a derelict corn exchange in Cardiff docks were put on ice .
12 An angling club has condemned plans for a hazardous waste storage site on the banks of the River Eden .
13 • Long Beach Grand Prix founder Chris Pook arrived in Phoenix to show off elaborate plans for a purpose-built , multi-disciplinary stadium which is scheduled to be built near Dallas next year .
14 ‘ After that I told Sir Alfred of my plans for a monocoque car for the next season , and got a sour letter back saying we had to win another grand prix before we talked about anything .
15 General Holomisa recently dealt himself into South Africa 's reform game by moving towards a loose alliance with the outlawed African National congress and by announcing plans for a referendum on the ‘ independent ’ homeland 's possible reincorporation into South Africa .
16 An estimated 40 new firms have already joined the big three specialising in GP computers since the Government 's controversial plans for a management orientated NHS were published in January .
17 Mr Parkinson recently signalled ministerial concern by blocking BR 's plans for a 14 per cent fare rise in February .
18 The EC-EFTA meeting in Brussels was overshadowed by the visit of the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevardnadze , who this week unveiled plans for a ‘ common European home ’ based on links between the EC , EFTA , and Comecon .
19 The decision leaves in tatters the Government 's original plans for a scheme administered by the private sector , and in effect hands control of higher education funding to the Treasury , a blow to the morale of the Department of Education and Science which wants to expand student numbers .
20 In Benin in February a national constitutional conference of notables brought an end to the regime of General Mathieu Kérékou and laid plans for a general election next year .
21 When an engineer calls up the plans for a jet engine , the information in the definition of that object allows the system — automatically and efficiently — to retrieve the plans for all its sub-components .
22 Labour Party plans for a national minimum wage were criticised by the AEU engineering union , which fears an erosion of skilled workers ' pay differentials .
23 Plans for a Kurdish state vanished .
24 John Major juggled a pledge to privatise the rail and coal industries with plans for a citizens ' charter to guarantee public services .
25 The Labour Party unveiled plans for a women 's ministry , which would have a seat in the cabinet .
26 It appears that the promises of God , his plans for a new beginning for his world , are locked up in a Pharaoh 's palace .
27 One of the shocks of 1991 was the news that Mercedes is to stop production of MB-tracs next year and has ditched plans for a replacement .
28 We talked a lot and made great plans for a concert tour but in the end the dates were n't right .
29 ‘ Yes , there are plans for a musical , it is true we are talking about doing one with Kylie and we all very much want it to happen , ’ admitted Pete Waterman .
30 In this friendly atmosphere , plans for a reunion had already started before we were halfway through , and many people still keep in touch with each other back home .
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