Example sentences of "open [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Commenting on the grant , Alex Wright of the Commission said , ‘ We welcome this grant and we hope it will assist Lancashire County Council in opening up the rights of way network by dealing with several major problems and paths that need modifications . ’
2 In what he called ‘ a new architecture for a new era ’ , Mr Baker outlined closer co-operation between Western Europe and the US which would bind the West closer together while at the same time ‘ opening up the doors to the East ’ .
3 She opened the heavy oak doors and the dogs swept past her bounding across the drive to their master who was opening up the car boot to remove his luggage .
4 He explained that in 1886 he was making enquiries about the possibilities of opening up the canal routes to the south and was put in touch with a syndicate in London which was proposing to improve and develop these navigations .
5 She also delivered her own populist riposte , opening up the possibility of a referendum on the issue of the introduction of a single European currency .
6 It was a turning point for the business and set Thomas Cook on the road to opening up the world to men and women who had not dreamed of travelling before .
7 While in social terms this objective may be desirable , opening up the investment aids to reach an even wider range of farms could seriously exacerbate the agriculture/nature conservation conflict in the LFAs as more pastures and hay meadows are converted to grass leys , roughland improved agriculturally and wetlands drained although the reduction in drainage grants and the abolition of grants for land cultivation in December 1984 makes such an extension to smaller farms rather academic .
8 It does , however , make it more likely to happen , and facilitates this by opening up the political space in which local differentiation can occur .
9 Here he studied under Otto Wallach , who was opening up the chemistry of terpenes natural products important as flavours and fragrances .
10 Lord Silsoe , QC , opening up the CEGB campaign and taking two and a half days to do it ( there 's nothing like Latin for spinning words out ) , said that the board 's case had three main points .
11 Moreover , the obvious success of MDC in opening up the docklands for mass market consumption has also effectively restrained local opposition .
12 That magnificent engineering achievement the Humber Bridge is further opening up the area , improving communications and eventually leading to an East Coast motorway , linking up with newly completed roads on the north bank .
13 While this may seem like hard work , the benefits to be gained , in terms of opening up the fingerboard and greater harmonic awareness , are invaluable .
14 The government policy is to expand the total number of beds in the island to around 20,000 and to encourage this expansion to be outside Funchal , thereby opening up the wonderful countryside and expanding the economy of the many small villages .
15 This bridge , recently rebuilt and enlarged , was built in 1849 , thereby opening up the Estrada Monumental ( then just called the New Road ) past Reid 's Hotel and out to the west , through the present tourist zone .
16 ‘ It acknowledges the success of the JY team in opening up the world of current affairs for ordinary people .
17 These can be disappointing because the camcorder 's auto-exposure system , in opening up the lens aperture to maximise the average brightness of the shot , will probably record the coloured lights as colourless points of light .
18 By doing business , inviting foreign experts to work and teach inside China and opening up the country to the world , progress seemed certain .
19 In this chapter we will channel our energies into opening up the contradictory facets of our personalities and explore the different voices , different tones of voice , that these contradictions make available to us .
20 Thornton spelled out how the new technology was rapidly opening up the newspaper scene , and offering enormous cost-cutting possibilities .
21 It agreed to draw on creative Marxism and other traditions and transform itself into an empowering organisation in order to contribute to opening up the new political formulations that will be needed across Europe in the post cold-war era .
22 Justification had been the great theme of the Reformers , especially of Martin Luther , and Ritschl aimed to restore it to the centre of theology by drawing out its consequences and implications in reconciliation , and opening up the force and meaning of Christianity from that centre .
23 With proposals for a fifth terrestrial channel currently being studied and a variety of plans to introduce pay-TV under consideration , the Government is clearly embarking on a policy of opening up the airwaves .
24 Information technology is playing , and will increasingly continue to play , a major role in opening up the curriculum to people with disabilities .
26 The scheme was set up to encourage a broader section of the public to buy works of art by living artists , thus opening up the art market while at the same time helping artists to earn an income .
27 Although the defection of Clarence , in particular , can only have enhanced Richard 's standing in the king 's eyes , the real contribution of the rebels to Gloucester 's advancement lay in opening up the existing power structure by removing several of Edward 's closest supporters .
28 In opening up the debate to the floor , Inez stressed hopes for democratic discussion , respect for differing and varying views .
29 Opening up the printing trade to women could be seen either as the unscrupulous recruitment of low-paid labour or as the expansion of opportunities for educated working-class girls .
30 Identifying a discharge as ‘ polluting ’ is the first step in opening up the sequence of decisions to be made about modes of control .
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