Example sentences of "read or [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But the compensations for being unable to read or carry on a casual conversation are overwhelming .
2 Transferring to an alternative medium requires new data formats yet to be standardised and dependence on a new generation of hardware to read or download stored information .
3 In addition to the requirements above , the use of Oedipus to read or modify the contents of the database is further restricted .
4 In 1919 , a stroke left him paralysed down the left side , confused , unable to read or dictate , and staring vacantly into space .
5 Some of the time one gets a good response from people willing to help and some interesting periodicals to read or browse through briefly before doing the coding and counting .
6 Even if I went into my bedroom to read or do homework , I 'd still have her sitting there on my huge falconer 's glove , fidgeting and glaring at me .
7 ‘ I 'm sure you know ’ , Miss Honey said , ‘ that children in the bottom class at school are not expected to be able to read or spell or juggle with numbers when they first arrive .
8 When , a year later , with paintings such as Man with Violin , Braque 's Cubism reached a second climax of complexity and became also highly difficult to read or interpret , one senses that it was not owing to the excitement of working with a new , more abstract technique as it had been with Picasso , but because his interest in elaborately breaking up the picture surface so as to analyse the relationships between the objects and the space surrounding them , slowly and inevitably led him to this kind of painting .
9 During the flight try to sleep if it is night time at your destination and , when it is daytime there , try to stay awake — find somebody to talk to , a book to read or watch the in-flight movie .
10 And those that do , grow up in a sub-culture that is a disgrace to England ; unable to read or write , born to crime as a way of life , most of them have never even seen the inside of a church .
11 It had produced a massive oxygen lack in the left side of the brain , leaving Stanley with a right-sided hemiplegia , complete loss of speech and understanding of other people 's words , and a total inability to read or write .
12 She may not be able to read or write but she can convert dollars , francs , rand , etc into escudos !
13 He soon came to appreciate their special character , their solidarity and mutual trust , their innate hatred for anyone who was domineering , their intelligence and quickness in spite of being unable to read or write .
14 Sir Claus pointed out that one in seven children still left school without being able to read or write properly .
15 It is a category , as we have seen , which encompasses a range of disabilities from Down 's syndrome ( whose victims may even learn to read or write ) to microcephaly ( where the manifestations of life are no more than those of a vegetable ) and these differences are usually of account .
16 Large numbers leave school without being able to read or write properly , as many employers will testify , and as I am regularly reminded when younger people come to my constituency surgery and are unable to write out their names and addresses .
17 The access times considered in this chapter have been simply the time taken to position the device access mechanism to read or write a selected record .
18 He was unable to read or write and books in Serbian were almost unknown .
19 A member of the Women 's Cooperative Guild remembered working as a nursemaid to a doctor 's family at the age of nine in 1867 , and being unable to read or write , could not let her parents know about the unkind treatment she received .
20 Thousands of people suffer the handicap of not being able to read or write properly , but that handicap could be eradicated if we put our minds to it in the coming years .
21 Sunil has shown me places in the club where the members rarely go and where , therefore , it 's safe to read or write or sleep as long as you wear your uniform and can pretend to be doing something vaguely official if someone comes in .
22 In a random file ( see the section on BBCBASIC(Z80) Files ) you can use PTR# to select the record you wish to read or write .
23 Children come across written numbers , just as they come across written words , long before they are able to read or understand them .
24 The pendant or hanging variety give good overall light but tend to flatten shadows and do not provide enough light by which to read or work comfortably .
25 In order to learn the conventional ways in which subject matter is organised and presented in these different forms , it is necessary for children to have plenty of opportunities to read or hear read good examples of a range of different types of texts .
26 His message was that every Christian had the right to read or hear the word of God in his own language , and was capable of redemption only through belief in that word , rather than by any good works that he or she might do .
27 The 1959 Act requires a tendency to deprave and corrupt " persons " likely in the cirumstances to read or hear the offensive material .
28 This option is used to read or enter modules .
29 Any teacher who tries to devise a syllabus for a music class that will appeal to the members of the class for its relevance , or who attempts to attract the English class by giving them things to read or act that will speak to them in their own language is in danger of falling into the trap of ‘ thinking down ’ to his pupils , of condescending to them .
30 Never having taken much interest in the garden at Four Winds , other than it being a place in which to read or play solitary games , she at first decided that it was probably best to let him have his way ; but his silences began to unnerve her , as much as his occasional seemingly innocent remarks about his previous employers .
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