Example sentences of "anything up to " in BNC.

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1 It is a separate tragedy altogether that , in a country where there is no nation health service , anything up to three million dollars can be spent killing someone .
2 Remembering that anything that bodes to threaten concentration in wood-machining is a prime risk , let us consider a router cutter revolving at anything up to 24,000rpm sitting midway between 12 highly unstably-sprung devices whose proper purpose in life is the support of wet laundry on a clothes line .
3 This would be a promise to deliver anything up to ten songs in a year .
4 Add it all together and — unless they are prepared to go deeper into debt — the Tories are hoping to raise anything up to £42m .
5 The previous generation of photo-typesetters cost anything up to $300,000 each .
6 At present , the NSA employs over 20,000 people , with a secret budget of anything up to $4 billion a year .
7 In fairness it should be added that for the female guests the question of rooms was as much an affair of space as of rank , since many arrived with anything up to 25 pieces of luggage , clear proof that at Compiègne , unlike Fontainebleau , style played a primary role .
8 Required to reduce their academic staff by anything up to twenty per cent , they responded by persuading as many people as possible to take early retirement and freezing all vacancies .
9 In fact , participants of this good natured and innocent fun can look forward to anything up to one year of free accommodation , bed and breakfast and security provided .
10 There were no aircraft available for air drops at that stage of the war in the desert , which was a pity when one bears in mind that only two years later SAS parties operated in France for anything up to two months behind enemy lines , totally reliant on parachuted stores .
11 However , given a reasonable state of preservation , you should come to no harm at Scourie ; and most days will see you happily tramping anything up to six miles , fishing perhaps a dozen different waters along the way , with golden eagle , red deer and curlew for company .
12 This is sunk to a depth of anything up to forty feet , on a lead-core line , and towed behind a slowly moving boat , fingers crossed .
13 Once a strip of new ocean floor has been formed , and acquired its magnetic recording , nothing further happens to it , but it continues to move away slowly from the ridge , at a rate of anything up to several centimetres per year .
14 Andesites , by contrast , form massive flows which may be anything up to 500 metres thick .
15 Alexander Technique : requiring anything up to twenty sessions with a trained teacher , this technique ( named after its originator F. M. Alexander ) concentrates on the correct alignment of the body which , in turn , leads to the elimination of physical and mental stresses .
16 But there are numerous instances which come to my mind of research in which all the problems of analysis were left until the survey had been done and then anything up to , or even over , a year was needed to sort out the tangled mass of answers to vague questions .
17 If the cat gets too close , ducks may peek anything up to 35 times per minute .
18 High technology industries are not tied down by transport costs : one tonne of microchips is worth anything up to 100 000 times a tonne of steel plate , so chips tend to travel by air .
19 The programs , which cost $500 and run on an Apple II computer , compute the direction and level of sound coming from anything up to 15 different sources at selected points on the ground .
20 Potential carers will naturally expect to be thoroughly vetted and would be required to undertake an eight-week training course before being entrusted with the care of a child , which could take anything up to six months .
21 In the late 16th century there was a short period when , rather than the usual 13 ribs , lutes suddenly sprouted anything up to 37 and made of very narrow strips of yew .
22 This does not mean that you have to pay a whole team of specialists anything up to £600 a day each .
23 Thus the effective legitimate target range f the beamer appears to have been raised by anything up to about two feet depending on how tall your are .
24 Her recovery could take anything up to around two years to be complete , according to her personality and the strength of the bond that existed .
25 They fry can be left with the parents until they attain anything up to one inch in length , but it is often advisable to remove the parents long before this .
26 Loss rates at this time can be quite heavy with anything up to half the brood dying .
27 When people such as Martin , consult me not in order to seek help in overcoming a particular problem , but to help them to understand themselves , their motivation and their spiritual journey better , I do not see the patient at weekly or fortnightly intervals but leave gaps of anything up to six or eight weeks between visits .
28 What is more , introducing PRP for nurses has added anything up to a billion dollars to administrative costs in the US public sector — a figure which may send shudders down the spine of Britain 's cost-conscious NHS .
29 Even broken sets can fetch large sums , and a complete bound run is likely to cost the buyer anything up to £4,000 , which would have gone a long way to paying Ackermann 's army of workmen .
30 ‘ You can not see it , you can not measure it by instrumentation , but there are incredibly powerful air currents up in the stratosphere which can move at anything up to 300 mph .
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