Example sentences of "need [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The most problematic aspects of a modern concept of citizenship is the need to promote the sense of national identity or in some way to secure that citizens experience a sense of belonging to the state and the state belonging to them .
2 Sober citizens have been known to read about Mother Teresa , or other such charismatic figures , and be seized by the need to promote the well-being of the Calcutta poor above all else .
3 Jenks argued in the 1950's that these latter policies became less relevant when set against the need to promote the systematic development of international law through the conclusion of multipartite law-making treaties .
4 Not least amongst these reports are those of Brake ( 1980 ) , Rudduck and Hopkins ( 1984 ) , Hounsell and Martin ( 1983 ) and Tabberer and Allman ( 1983 ) , all of which argue the need to promote the acquisition of a broad range of information-handling skills in line with both the growth of information technology and the increasing emphasis on self-directed learning .
5 The closing " Tegucigalpa Declaration " emphasized the need to promote the region 's economic and social development through a renewed integration plan .
6 Waldegrave said that the need to promote the public understanding of science would be addressed in the forthcoming White Paper ( policy document ) on science and technology and that he planned to launch a campaign to ‘ evangelize ’ science .
7 I know one other thing that is important , is the fact that a marketing document , the need for a marketing document , which can go to non erm schools , I think erm , brought this up , the need to promote the value of the D S O overall .
8 Those who stress reversal see the process as one that has been led from the top , using the need to accommodate the reforms to Japan 's particular social system in order to legitimate the changes .
9 Although the building is of more or less one period , it is still nonetheless a higgledy-piggledy place to find one 's way about in , as though the builders had not planned it as a whole but acted on whims and perhaps the need to accommodate an expanding family .
10 It has not been sufficiently sensitive to the issues which divide and potentially destroy us , or to the need to renounce the legacy of patriarchal relations in our own behaviour .
11 … There is no need to presuppose the existence of such a range of duties .
12 Alongside a programme of raising skill levels is the need to dovetail an investment programme .
13 This may be done formally , when there is a need to confirm the legitimacy of an agency 's authority ; or informally , when an agency has to respond to pressures from centres of power within the community .
14 Royal Society 's study group report on risk assessment is a tough read ; For example , ‘ At the administrative level , there is a need to acknowledge the validity of public perceptions , while at the same time purveying the fullest information on objective risk estimates , not least because these data form a major component of the public 's perceptions , ’ But it concentrates the mind and , of course , it deals with every activity of man .
15 However , there were others , more distinctively local in their orientation : the gradual demise of the traditional two-tier model of primary school management and its replacement by three-tier and matrix models ; the desirability of building on the diversification of staff management roles which PNP has produced , avoiding any contraction of such roles as a consequence of LMS ; the need to acknowledge the pivotal role , for good or ill , played by primary heads , and to work with and through rather than round or against them ; the need to expand the focus of management training courses to encompass the roles and needs of all staff ( not just those of the ‘ managers ’ as conventionally defined ) , to locate management strategies in whole-school analysis , and generally to broaden the concept of ‘ management ’ which currently informs such courses ; the importance of training , support and INSET for heads , and of ensuring that these give close attention to the broader aspects of the expertise needed for headship , such as professional knowledge and personal relationships as well as the more obvious tasks , roles and strategies .
16 The need to acknowledge the declining relevance of the classic welfare state and some of its associated values ( particularly the notion of rights ) is one of the issues emphasized by Culpitt .
17 The importance of systematic observation and empirical study is underlined by the additional need to monitor the changing characteristics of drug users , particularly the geographical areas and social groups in which new users appear , and the popularity of injection as a method of using heroin and other drugs .
18 She says there is an urgent need to monitor the process which leads to the decision to videotape .
19 If you intend to take it seriously , you will eventually feel the need to attend a weekend workshop or you may even wish to embark on an extended study course .
20 There was hardly ever a need to light a fire in the breakfast room because the great heat of the range came through .
21 Normally , to become a permanent resident in the Bahamas under category I , an individual needs to invest a minimum of $500,000 and keep it there for 10 years ; this compares with the five years for an investor in Sandyport Marina .
22 Biopsy evidence of the absence of metaplastic columnar epithelium was obtained in all cases , however , because the need to perform an additional endoscopy compliance was in the order of 60% .
23 Since HARPY laid out each potential utterance as a path it had no need to segment the input into phonetic units before matching .
24 Sensing the need to gather the loose strands of the evening into one firm fabric , Cameron said , ‘ Tomorrow then — we go to hear Archibald Menzies preach at Dull. , James was staggered .
25 There 's no need to nail the shelves down , as they ca n't move sideways because of the spacers .
26 United need to nail the cobblers who are bottom of the league with just one point
27 Most important of all , the development of informal pedagogies , the sense of a need to combat the " problems " of students " home background , and the perceived challenges from new youth cultures , resulted in the construction of a new agenda for staff/student communicative exchanges .
28 The most probable source of this innovation , however , would seem to be the nomadic herdsman of Central Asia , who possessed both an abundance of rug-making material ( i.e. , wool provided by their sheep ) and the need to combat the harshness of climate and terrain ; it is likely that they discovered — possibly by accident — that by looping or knotting short lengths of wool through a flatwoven piece of material they could produce much more comfortable and durable rugs .
29 Nizan 's personal need to combat an oppressive bourgeois philosophy with the liberating intellectual system of Marxism could not be more starkly expressed .
30 There is now a need to rekindle the idea that teaching is a vocation which makes a whole series of complex demands .
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