Example sentences of "sort [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll be getting all sorts for that young girl !
2 The ERDF along with other elements of the Structural Funds provide a compensatory mechanism of sorts for potential " losers " .
3 ‘ Mind you , it 's no wonder she 's been out of sorts after that dreadful business at the tech … and Major Ford tittle-tattling all over the village . ’
4 It would pick up all sorts of violent , sexist ideas from TV — ’
5 He explains this important possibility , of there being connections which we can not perceive , in terms of features of various sorts of complex idea .
6 Having divided ideas into simple and complex , he introduces three sorts of complex idea : ‘ modes ’ , ‘ substances ’ , and ‘ relations ’ .
7 They can be used as short-cuts for all sorts of complex operations and deserve an article of their own .
8 Now you might be give all sorts of polar coordinates and you 'll be given working with sines and coses which is where we came in .
9 ‘ They take all sorts of fancy things to trade — brass basins , beads , looking glasses … last time I saw great bales of cotton stuffs , all red and blue and gold .
10 From somewhere they would suddenly turn up in all sorts of fancy gear , funny sorts of knickerbockers and sweatshirts with strange devices thereon , and also funny hats .
11 Small nuclear explosions underground ( they are already banned everywhere else ) are just about impossible to distinguish reliably from other sorts of man-made bangs or earthquakes .
12 Moreover , just as Moore thought that freedom from the naturalistic fallacy made one more ready to recognize that there is a plurality of basically different sorts of good thing , so Ross thought that freedom from this wrong definition of right and duty in terms of good made one ready to recognize that there is a plurality of grounds of obligation , of which the obligation to produce good and reduce bad is just one , or rather two , for he thinks the duty to prevent bad a distinct , and usually more stringent , duty than to produce good .
13 Thus a man who could have done all sorts of good things is rendered useless ; and the same sort of outcome could follow in a case involving not one but two men , or a hundred or more , or even a whole branch of a family ( progenies ) or at the same time a whole province — if you 're not very careful ! " ( c. 31 )
14 I hope 1994 will bring you all sorts of good things .
15 All sorts of small items are needed for the day-to-day running of any shop or office , eg postage stamps , pens , envelopes .
16 All sorts of small items of royal expenditure were charged to the Barbados and Leeward revenues but no other colony saw any reason to make a similar grant .
17 Unless they of course there were different sorts of that you know even .
18 But as they began to see the possibilities of the data highway , they also realised that they did not have the technical expertise to build the sorts of switched networks necessary to bring it off .
19 But the hotel may well bump up the bill with all sorts of spurious charges .
20 Luckily I learnt early on that whereas I might see there are all sorts of emotional issues that the person grieving could work on , they may well choose not to .
21 And parents are really not alone in in bringing up their children , their children are exposed to all sorts of outside influences , through the media , in their peer groups , and those in many ways , I think , are getting worse rather than better .
22 We have all sorts of remaining problems but by and large , if we look back over the past three four years , tremendous progress has been made .
23 all sorts of managing business and they had to work together and to hold group organisations .
24 Ah know we 're build in' multi-bloody-storey flats an' whatnot an' there 's all sorts of clever bloody plans for the clever bloody future … .
25 It is too ghostly proper , all sorts of liveried listenings
26 Given that you can draw all sorts of amazing objects you might not think that you need to edit them much but IntelliDraw has some powerful editing tools .
27 Those people that had found ways of structuring their time , of organising themselves round routines , or having particular sorts of appointments to make _ and this could take many forms , like , for example , just getting up early in the morning to play a sport game , for example , or arranging to meet other people at particular times _ those people that had got some sort of time structure in their lives and some sorts of regular activities to carry out in their lives erm tended to be a lot less severely affected by unemployment than those people that did n't have these sorts of activities , this sort of time structure .
28 As far as any of them knew , the last elephant fights had taken place around the turn of the century in the princely states of Rajputana ; and as for partridge fights , said my friends , those sorts of Mughal traditions had all died out at Partition .
29 That body 's president has welcomed the formation of the National Olympic Committee of South Africa ( NOCSA ) , representing all sorts of rival sporting associations , whose chairman , Sam Ramsamy — a veteran campaigner for the sports boycott — now wants to get South Africans back into international competition .
30 Indeed , the realization should come that there are all sorts of rival positions , and that there is no absolute way of choosing between them .
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