Example sentences of "expect these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a tough game , you expect these things .
2 In the case of major company resources it is fair to say that the very large companies invest millions in their computer systems and they expect these systems to have a life span of at least a decade .
3 Secretary or even Chairman before you expect these distinctions .
4 When the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 and the first killings began , one might have expected these siren voices calling for a third way to fall silent .
5 Do not expect these wines to taste like champagne .
6 If , however , you are cynical enough to believe that the shelf-life of a tax efficient investment is inversely proportional to the number of national press articles highlighting its advantages , then you will not expect these rules to remain as generous as this forever .
7 We would expect these figures to be much lower for a randomly diversified portfolio with more than 10 — 15 shares ( see Chapter 5 ) .
8 Normally we 'd expect these buoys to move west in the south equatorial current under the influence of the south easterly trade winds but during alminio winds become weak and westerly and buoys putting off the coast of Peru seemed to wander about aimlessly .
9 I would not expect these decisions to be uniform across the country because of different local circumstances and the likelihood of different clinical views on the efficacy of particular treatment .
10 A downturn is expected in 1993 since activity is anticipated to be lower as the company does not expect these contracts to be repeated .
11 We might therefore expect these works to conform in some way to established taste , but it does not follow , as many of Wordsworth 's later disciples were prone to assume that anything in heroic couplets is necessarily bad ; in fact , many passages from these poems compare quite favourably with Wordsworth 's eighteenth-century predecessors .
12 It does n't have error correction or data compression and for £249 , I 'd expect these features to be standard .
13 The organisation concerned would normally expect these roles to be occupied by men .
14 ‘ We do expect these interest rate cuts to be passed on as quickly as possible .
15 You are fully entitled to expect these reports on progress regularly .
16 Instead for many , many years there has been in Channel 4 a culture , which allowed you to expect these matters to be dealt with properly , without being made to feel that you were being perverse in raising the issue yet again or that you were making a point or a special case .
17 In particular , Thompson and Spencer 's list of the features of habituation was derived from studies of short-term examples of the phenomenon ; it may therefore be unreasonable to expect these features to be found also in latent inhibition ( see Lubow , Weiner , and Schnur 1981 ) .
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