Example sentences of "expect the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And having voted for party candidates , the electors expected the members returned to Parliament to support the program offered by their leaders at the election .
2 The sting for the oil industry came in the Chancellor 's later acknowledgment that he expected the changes in the oil taxation system to yield £300 million in additional Government revenue in 1994-95 and about £400 million the following year .
3 One younger Welsh hill farmer used to go up ‘ to help his father in evenings with the few cattle they had ’ , but afterwards at supper the older man expected the grandchildren to keep silent , and if they spoke ‘ he 'd look at us fiercely . ’
4 Speculation about the leadership had persisted in the run up to the elections — in which most commentators expected the Conservatives to perform disastrously .
5 However , in the two mazurkas , Fokine expected the dancers slightly to accent the second beat of each bar as in any traditional mazurka or polonaise .
6 When the settlers got to Virginia , everyone expected the gentlemen of the party to run things , just as in England .
7 As she expected the children had vanished perhaps into the trees .
8 Levi noted that most of the republics had Jewish communities and said that Israel expected the republics to respect the communities ' rights , including the right to free emigration .
9 Once a consensus had been reached , it had no legal standing , but Citrine expected the chairmen to go back to their own Boards and secure acceptance of the common policy .
10 Nobody expected the pupils to be paragons of perfection The standards the principal expected of herself were a different matter entirely .
11 I expected the Polynesians there to be just as subject to the ailments of the flesh as anywhere else in the world — especially polio — otherwise what would they need a doctor for ?
12 They expected the angels to come down and join battle with them — ‘ the sons of light ’ — against their enemies — ‘ the sons of darkness ’ — and to give them victory over all other peoples .
13 It was n't New York ; it was n't the Florida Keys , but they expected the standards of those places .
14 At that time most people expected the galaxies to be moving around quite randomly , and so expected to find as many blue-shifted spectra as red-shifted ones .
15 It meant that the Greeks expected the Jews not to translate their holy books , but to produce an account of themselves according to the current methods and categories of ethnography .
16 In 1978 they already expected the measures , not announced until 1981 , to restrict quantities of money held by individuals .
17 Marx had expected the communists to come to power in the most developed industrial societies of the West , where there would already be considerable accumulated wealth , scientific knowledge , and industrial capital to provide well-being for all .
18 But not even they could have expected the rigours of Wendover Woods next to RAF Halton .
19 What I had n't expected was the reaction we got here today which is that erm whilst there are smiling dis , he 's smiling now , there are smiling districts who might be pleased to be named as areas in which a major exception might be accommodated and I had n't expected the others would like a bit of it if there was one going too .
20 There is no trace of a lease for the adjacent Coniston Manor at this period though one would have expected the Champions to have taken this " sett " if it had been available .
21 The princess , looking tanned and relaxed , led her sons into a waiting minibus when the party arrived in London and it is expected the boys will join their father this weekend .
22 ‘ I had n't expected the papers to pick up on Thomas 's birth , ’ she went on , ‘ but when they did and when it was taken for granted that he was Simon 's I let that be , too . ’
23 I had expected the women to be fairly distant cousins of the Emperors .
24 The Collector had half expected the rains to begin during the night , but when he awoke the sky was cloudless once more ; he could sense , however , that they would not be long coming .
25 A couple of weeks ago , I might have expected the Tories to scrape through to election victory with such a Budget .
26 They had n't expected the terrorists to turn up for at least another two days .
27 He had expected the police to have reappeared .
28 Even if I had n't expected the gunships , their colours would have told me what they were .
29 He told police he had not expected the fires to spread so quickly , and blamed hot summer weather .
30 It is expected the increases will be introduced in three annual stages of roughly 5 per cent .
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