Example sentences of "expect find [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He said the Josephs were not there and Rain let him assume they were on their way and expected to find four very wet friends .
2 Researchers expected to find six out of ten people could recall Lady Thatcher 's historic resignation moment in vivid detail by retaining a long-lasting ‘ flashbulb ’ memory .
3 I expected to find all the elements of exciting night scenes : glowing street lights , interesting architecture , wet pavements , and a variety of shop windows .
4 I expected to find all the elements of exciting night scenes : glowing street lights , interesting architecture , wet pavements , and a variety of shop windows .
5 They placed bombs on two isolated aircraft and then headed for the hangars where they expected to find some worthwhile booty .
6 After a nuclear accident , scientists expect to find first leukaemia cases , beginning after five years and peaking after 15–20 years , then thyroid cancer and finally general cancers .
7 Then , by a slow , gradual process , they get to a point where they expect to find ritual sexual abuse in the community in which they are working . ’
8 I expect to find rich pickings in the Ministry of Defence , with its townships , its airfields , its office blocks , its country houses , its sailors ' hostel in South Kensington and its acreage of land which would make up an English county .
9 Many potential purchasers expect to find fitted wardrobes in bedrooms these days .
10 And yet the family is often the last place where people expect to find these qualities .
11 He had n't expected to find such a quiet unassuming man .
12 Had this been a function for Chedworth , one might at least have expected to find suitable tools .
13 Incidentally , who , a couple of decades back , would have expected to find high-quality Turkish cuisine in Chorlton-cum-Hardy ?
14 With the FLN victory of 1962 — two years after Camus 's death — there was an immediate exodus of French Algerians and now , as I walk the streets , it seems ridiculous to have expected to find any trace of Camus 's Algiers — like an American travelling to England in the hope of finding Dickens 's London .
15 It appears to be in the early stages of transition into a red giant and normally we would not have expected to find intelligent life anywhere within its field of influence . ’
16 Schools in all but a few pockets of the county are expected to find enough people willing to stand for election in September when 1,600 governors are due to be appointed .
17 Similar impressions are obtained from other examples of this type : ( 22 ) He did not want to be alone , and had expected to find some of his friends at the bar .
18 The speeches in the House of Lords pointed out that one would have expected to find this section in a Part of the Act dealing with company charges rather than in that dealing with debentures , and accepted that the mortgage would not be a ‘ debenture , ’ for the purposes of some of the other sections .
19 I had n't expected to find this turmoil . ’
20 Consequently , as in all-male groups in modern gelada populations , we would expect to find much less in the way of mutual antagonism and more in the way of sociability and cooperation .
21 If these theories are by and large correct we should expect to find proteinoid globules occurring spontaneously in modern volcanic environments .
22 And as the market process unfolds , with one period of market ignorance followed by another in which ignorance has been somewhat reduced , each buyer or seller revises his bids and offers in the light of his newly acquired knowledge of the alternative opportunities which those to whom he may wish to sell , or from whom he may wish to buy , can expect to find available elsewhere in the market .
23 I 'd expect to find deep-seated internal bruising , but it 's possible to get this without many superficial signs .
24 Nevertheless , given managerial competence in performing and acting upon that analysis , one would expect to find largest positive NPV ( and not highest current ROI ) projects in the regions of the BCG or McKinsey matrix that relate to high growth and high market share .
25 If this were the case one would also expect to find increased basal secretion in smokers — in our study this was not the case .
26 Well , do n't you sometimes expect to find mysterious deaths wherever you go ? ’
27 In the living world too , we shall expect to find complex and sophisticated design wherever we are dealing with the end-products of a long , asymmetric arms race in which advances on one side have always been matched , on a one-to-one , point-for-point basis , by equally successful antidotes ( as opposed to competitors ) on the other .
28 Large organizations will consist of loosely coupled subsystems , and yet , within the subsystems , one would expect to find tighter coordination .
29 I did n't expect to find such a difference in you . ’
30 In particular , one would expect to find two things .
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