Example sentences of "period when the " in BNC.

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1 I have had good catches before the moon rises and have also done well after it has set , but periods when the moon is bright at night are best ignored .
2 There are few days when the weather is so unpleasant that it is impossible to walk ; and even on a rainy day there are often periods when the rain stops .
3 It is interesting that in the last hundred years , periods of relatively stable prices were periods when the British government did not have discretionary control over money supply growth — namely the pre-First World War gold standard and the Bretton Woods System — whereas periods of inflation and deflation have occurred when the system is anchorless .
4 Almost by definition , crises are periods when the normally routinized operations of the bureaucracy are insufficient or can not be relied on , when decisions have to be quickly pushed up through the chain of command , and where unusually large and direct role in controlling policy implementation has to be taken by political leaders .
5 Olsen has therefore concentrated on four periods when the paintings connect most directly with historic events : from 1797 to 1814 when Napoleon 's Empire imposed a kind of unity on the country ; from the restoration of the monarchy until mid century when historic Romanticism came into conflict with Realism and gradually waned as a moving force in Italian art ; the triumph of Realism in parallel with the rapid progress towards unification from 1849 to 1870 ; and the final period from 1870 until the end of the century when Realism evolved under wider European influences into Symbolism and Divisionism .
6 The periods when the light was on are shown by the bars below ( from Hubel 1988 : see Further Reading ) .
7 They were both periods when the presidency was in the hands of the Democrats and the programmes necessitating large growth in the bureaucracy were social-welfare policies of the type embraced by liberals .
8 The method will be applicable in very general circumstances including sample periods when the economy is initially very far from its steady state and even cases in which the model is dynamically unstable .
9 However , if a review is to be assumed the tenant should ensure that the notional review coincides with the actual review under the headlease , otherwise there may be periods when the headtenant 's profit rent is eroded .
10 ‘ There were periods when the time seemed to drag , ’ said John , who works in Middlesbrough Council 's records department .
11 Begin with a light regime and then gradually increase the work-load as the acute phase ( the period when the injury is most painful but the effects have not yet manifested themselves ) comes to an end .
12 Every leap , turn , beat and somersault is perfectly co-ordinated with the phrase and with the music despite the fact that the dance scarcely reflects the period when the music was composed as does Ashton 's choreography in other ballets ( see page 42 ) .
13 It would be a mistake to assume that sleep is a period when the body is marking time and just ticking over idly .
14 ‘ The Poetry of Perestroika ’ is an anthology of poems that were written , or published for the first time , during the period when the bureaucratic grip was gradually loosened .
15 Yet this was a period when the English Civil War was at its height ; from the coins themselves we would never have suspected that such a large proportion of minting in the war years of 1639–47 was the result of a commercial agreement between the two countries and not just of the high levels of expenditure caused by the war .
16 They had to look only as far as France to learn how pernicious are the effects of unlocking the archives after a period when the secret police have been keeping open house .
17 In a period when the number of courses increased , WEA membership in the District declined by 150 and in 1931 , capitation fees from branches had slumped to a mere £44 .
18 It is significant , too , that the Crofters Commission , even during the period when the scheme was viable within the curriculum , could only operate it because of a gift from a private individual .
19 The commonest problem with central heating pumps is jamming , either after a period when the pump has not been used , or due to sludge in the system clogging the impeller .
20 At no time in its long history of seven hundred years has Parliament governed , nor save for a brief period when the Constitution broke down in the seventeenth century has it made any claim to do so .
21 From 1953-.65 , the period when the Green Revolution was underway , the wheat yields of the ejido sector lagged behind those of the private sector ( Pearse 1980 ) .
22 And finally , social citizenship rights , on a range from ‘ the right to a modicum of economic wealth and security ’ to ‘ the right to share to the full in the social heritage and to live the life of a civilized being according to the standards prevailing in society ’ were won in the twentieth century , especially in the post-war period when the welfare state was extended so that all were guaranteed education , health care and a ‘ safety net ’ of financial provision through what was then ‘ national assistance ’ .
23 This is the period when the new owner asserts himself as pack leader .
24 The first attempt was in winter , precisely at that dark , depressing period when the sun can barely be bothered rising for more than 20 minutes before it packs in and hands over to nightfall .
25 The exact truth as to material fact ceases to be of importance in art — it is a student 's style — the style of a period when the mind is serene and unawakened to the tragical mysteries of life . ’
26 The next largest cycle in the Maya ‘ Calendar Round ’ contained 18,980 days , corresponding to the period when the 260-day and 365-day cycles meshed together .
27 There was a period when the police were very busy looking for you .
28 Options will in future be capable of grant under the British Gas Sharesave Scheme during any period when the Directors consider exceptional circumstances exist which justify the grant of options at that time .
29 Quite apart from the memory of the treatment Mrs Thatcher had dealt out to ‘ It Took a Riot ’ , around the time of the 1983 general election Heseltine was telling friends he was very concerned about an accretion of power to the premiership ( this was the period when the possibility of a prime minister 's department or , at the very least , a beefed-up Downing Street Policy Unit was being floated ) .
30 There was a period when the Cabinet did not seem and , in fact , was not acting with collective responsibility , because one person was not playing as a member of a team .
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