Example sentences of "expect [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She expected everyone to live up to her own high moral standards and there was an overwhelming feeling that if you did not , you had somehow failed . ’
2 Brezhnev expected everyone to take his cut at home and abroad ( as he himself had done ) .
3 He always expected them to leave : he expected everyone to leave .
4 They expected everyone to do something , and then expected to tell them how it could have been done better .
5 Jean-Claude expected me to respect all his fads — especially the fuss and nonsense about the particular brand of coffee-beans he must have , and how he had to grind them himself , give the machine at least one hundred turns , sit comfortably .
6 He expected me to ask questions but I carefully refrained from showing interest .
7 I knew that she now expected me to live with her for the rest of her days .
8 They expected me to live on supplementary benefit so I was having to work the street , trying to get my house together .
9 But I did wonder , after a year or more , how it was that he and Mme G expected me to use the public baths rather than offer me the convenience of the bathroom in the pavillon .
10 I was , after all , living with a man who was stealing from me , keeping part of his life secret from me , who expected me to adapt myself to his obsessive timekeeping .
11 Because I 'd done two prison sentences they obviously expected me to go back again .
12 Wesley imparted the information defensively , looking at me under lowered brows as though he expected me to clip his ear at any moment .
13 They seemed happy about my victory in Germany and most of them expected me to win more races last year . ’
14 I think my father 's authority was irrational because he expected me to have no other interests outside my schoolwork .
15 ‘ I think Stan expected me to grab it with both hands and when I declined , he just sat there and could n't believe it .
16 I think Stan expected me to grab it with both hands .
17 You expected me to hate this one , did n't you ?
18 What is the issue is that you expected me to stay and I did n't .
19 Mum an , mum and dad expected me to come up last week
20 ‘ That Francis expected me to buy Sleet from Leon . ’
21 ‘ I do n't think that she expected me to run down the shot ’ said Emmons , referring to her magnificent dash across the baseline to reach an all but winning forehand from Bentley which would have given her not only the first set , but also the psychological ‘ first blood ’ .
22 If he expected me to break into tears and confess , then he was a good judge of character , but I had Dod to think about and Dod had a missus and kids and anyway was bigger than me and after all was a pretty good drummer .
23 ‘ You expected me to drop my life and my career for you because that 's what a Majorcan girl would have done . ’
24 ‘ Some needed reminding that we expected them to honour their word . ’
25 Noone knew what had happened cos noone expected a free kick in the first place let alone expected them to take it like that .
26 He always expected them to leave : he expected everyone to leave .
27 There seems nothing at all strange about the Church , which paid the salaries of these men and expected them to serve it , considering the question of whether or not they should be able to engage in an activity which , no matter how acceptable , would have diverted them from their main task .
28 The provision of horses was unexpected , but curiously cheering , because it seemed to show that the giants were sending Floy and Snodgrass off in reasonable style , as if they expected them to return .
29 His only concern was for his own men and for the standards and traditions he expected them to live up to .
30 From an early age I expected them to do things for themselves , and sometimes for me , and when they snivelled about their friends having kind and conscientious mothers who changed their sheets and made fruit pies , I said ‘ Some day , when you 're at Sunderland Polytechnic and living by your wits , you 'll thank me . ’
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