Example sentences of "expect [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 I expect demand for this service to continue to grow over the coming year .
2 At an annual rate , GDP grew by just 1.8% in the first quarter of the year ; most commentators expect growth for the year to be no more than 2.5% , if that .
3 A final tip from Charles Worthington at Worthington 's : ‘ In a recession people expect value for money .
4 ‘ With house costs running to thousands of pounds , it 's crazy not to invest in proper care and expect value for money .
5 ‘ People expect value for money , and that 's what I try to give them , ’ he tells me .
6 Directors do not normally expect payment for their services though a small gift might be appropriate .
7 ‘ I will bring the shoes I am making for you now , the ones with the amethysts as decoration and I will expect payment for the work I 've done , mind .
8 But they will expect rewards for their loyalty later , which augurs badly for forthcoming debates on both the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) , which many liberals oppose , and on welfare reform .
9 Gold card insurees can expect cover for : 26 weeks ' hospital and nursing home accommodation ; operating theatre fees , including the surgeon and anaesthetist ; in-patient consultant fees , drugs and dressings ; in and out-patient specialist services ; accommodation for one parent if an insured child is under nine ; home nursing cover ; private ambulance cover ; £30 in daily NHS cash benefits and maternity benefits of £100 .
10 It is one thing to win the support of electors by defeating an enemy for the first time ; it is quite another to expect admiration for slaying the same dragon twice .
11 However , it would be naive of us to expect repercussions for both subject content and pedagogic style ’ .
12 Earl Spencer 's friend told to expect jail for £1.8m swindle
13 He smiled thinly , as if expecting praise for his gesture of concern .
14 Nicholson 's customers are not price sensitive explains Tony , although he stresses that this is different to not expecting value for money .
15 Based on current business levels and industry conditions , it expects turnover for the 1993 fiscal year to June 30 to be be between $1,250m and $1,300m .
16 Burlington , Massachusetts-based Bachman Information Systems Inc warns that it expects revenues for its third fiscal quarter to Aprch 31 to be below analysts ' expectations and that the operating loss for the quarter will also be greater than financial market expectations — it notes that some analysts had forecast revenues of about $10m .
17 The company said business in the first quarter was not fully satisfactory but it expects results for the full year 1993 to show an improvement over 1992 .
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