Example sentences of "require at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The table below will help you and your partner select the cover you require at a price to suit your budget .
2 The first is the kind of trainee we require at the Special Executive , a world-wide expert in breaking up and reassembling old bonds .
3 Your length should allow for whatever overlap you require at the top and bottom of the window .
4 Behind the scenes , an army of CEGB staff , providing constant back-up to the front-liners , was always ready to dig out whatever information was required at a moment 's notice .
5 Can two chimps cooperate in the solution of a task , perhaps using artificial symbols as publicly observable indicators of the tool that is required at a given stage of the problem ?
6 Seven modules have been introduced covering areas such as cognitive , occupational , developmental and clinical psychology , and providing the skills and knowledge likely to be required at a basic level in higher education .
7 These confer the right — but not the obligation — to buy or sell the foreign currency required at a pre-determined rate .
8 Two supervisors would be required at a cost of £15,000 per year each .
9 For equilibrium to be maintained , a higher level of withdrawals and therefore national income is required at every interest rate ; this means that the IS curve shifts to the right , as shown in Fig. 5 .
10 For the more expensive models , a downpayment is required at the start of the scheme , but it is still possible to obtain a car with little or no downpayment with the hire charges being met entirely by the mobility allowance .
11 The potentiometer is a stable cermet multi-turn type to allow the high resolution setting required at the highest sensitivity .
12 During this period a student normally attends courses in research methods and is required at the end of the period to submit a thesis embodying the results of his or her work .
13 I observed this routine the day after I learned that my services were no longer required at the Oxford International Language College , and I knew that barring an Act of God I could set my watch by it thereafter .
14 No audit opinion is required at the interim stage and the commissaires aux comptes and the auditors have neither carried out an audit nor given an audit opinion .
15 Enter the sleeve shape with the cuff measurement required at the first x and the top width ( which is often the same as the back width ) , at the second x .
16 It may also be necessary to begin keyboard skills in the last year of primary school and to continue this as required at the secondary level .
17 Five days notice is also required at the end of the job for a completion inspection .
18 A dedicated server is also required at the Unix end , and will cost another £10,000 , and there is a further £10,000 implementation services charge .
19 No deposit is required at the time of booking but the following cancellation arrangements and charges shall apply .
20 Another solution is the so-called " high-level assembler language " , or " machine-oriented high-level language " ( Van der Poel and Maarssen 1974 ) , for example BCPL ( Richards 1969 ) and PL360 ( Wirth 1968 ) which provides such high-level facilities as block structure and loop control , but with some concessions to the type of manipulations required at the machine level .
21 This is especially the case where we have an instruction set defined for a compatible range of computers , since it will be difficult to implement economically at the lower ( and cheaper ) end of the range the complex facilities required at the upper end ( though microprogramming may be an answer ) .
22 The sheriff ( a judge in Scotland ) dismissed the appeal on the ground that at least some inpatient treatment was actually , and not merely potentially , required at the time the appeal was heard .
23 For example , it is suggested that : " The rooms should be grouped in a simple manner , easy for patients and visitors to find their way around ; the whole building should be on one level and should look as far as is possible both externally and internally like a house not a hospital : there should be a clearly defined main entry/exit point for patients , staff , visitors and supplies which should have a ramped approach and in which the main door should be lockable : WC and washing compartment should be shared between pairs of single bed rooms and should be readily accessible to the sitting and dining rooms ; the bathroom should be readily accessible to both day and night areas ; the WC and the bathroom should be equipped for wheelchairs and standing users : the sitting and dining rooms and the external enclosure should be accessible by wheelchair : rooms should be differentiated in colour and finish while remaining domestic in scale and character : an informal , welcoming and comfortable reception/waiting area is required at the entrance to provide shelter and waiting spaces for visitors : the area between main entrance and sub-section entrances is likely to be an extensive area of circulation and will be the hub of the building but it could also be , spaciously , rather than an enlarged corridor , a positive amenity and focus if designed as a conservatory , for example , to contain plants or even birds and fish providing a stimulus to patients ' visitors and staff , and , finally : the safe external enclosure ( to which I referred earlier , ) should take the form of a walled garden matching the materials of parent buildings , suitably softened with appropriate planting .
24 Intermediate level in-rack , sprinklers are required to operate at not less than 2 bar when the required assumed numbers are operating ; in addition , ceiling level protection will be required at the reduced rate of 7.5 mm/m over an area of operation of 260 m2 .
25 Secondly , there were cases where after considering the whole hearing structure in its particular context a fair hearing might be required at the original stage and on appeal .
26 There were further difficulties when one began thinking about the numbers of animals required at the Creation .
27 The profile of the hole suggests a typical front-end investment where a considerable amount of cash is required at the beginning and then the drain on resources gets progressively less .
28 This control signal may require several stages of switched amplification before it attains the power level required at the base of the phase transistor ( SESCOM , 1979 ) .
29 A long delay is required at the beginning of deceleration so that the rotor can move ahead of the appropriate equilibrium position and produce negative torque .
30 These auxiliaries may be used when required at the discretion of the individual cataloguer ( unlike DC where specific instructions are given for most applications of the Tables or the ‘ add to ’ device ) .
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