Example sentences of "let [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 At last he said , with a helpless shrug , ‘ I feel I 've been let out of prison . ’
2 If the money can clearly be proven to belong to you all , and to be your only means of support , it can not be let out of the family , casually , at the whim of one member .
3 There are soft , flat miaows to be let out of the house and pitiful , drawn-out miaows to be let in again when it starts raining .
4 The park 's empty at this time of day before the kids are let out of school .
5 ‘ They are let out of a greyhound-style trap and can cover more than 100 metres in a matter of seconds when they get a whiff of food , ’ says Michael , 52 .
6 He can not be let out of jail after 25 years .
7 Sex is like the cat that is let out of the bag : once out it is difficult to put back .
8 When the London doctors finally granted him his freedom , he bolted like a child let out of school .
9 Away from her , he must feel like a boy let out of school .
10 Use the same command , preferably at a relatively early stage once the dog has settled down after being let out of the car , or off the leash .
11 Fenella pulled the velvet folds of the cover about her and tried to sleep and not to think about what would happen and whether they would be let out of these rooms and what stories she might have to tell the Gruagach about Star People and the Fire Court and the other fictional places they were supposed to have travelled to .
12 She watched him as , like a boy let out of school , he hurried across the room to the tray of drinks .
13 She wondered why he did n't step across it ; he reminded her of the white mice they had let out of the cage one day .
14 With each step more things can be let out of the pound ; exact discussions can be made less abstract , realistic discussions can be made less inexact than was possible at an earlier stage .
15 I myself had let out of the sink ,
16 Quigley ran towards me like a kid let out of primary school .
17 I demand to be let out of here ! ’ she cried in a shrill voice .
18 Exulting in her escape , she closed the outer door behind her and made for the great outdoors like a child let out of school .
19 Hanson was let out of Leyhill to give him a chance to get used to life outside prior to release .
20 ‘ If he gave his parole he might be let out of the walls , ’ said David with no great conviction .
21 Harry wo n't be let out of it , we ca n't go in to him .
22 People who 've been let out of jail as well .
23 And the failure of IBM management is that it did n't understand — and still does n't understand — the extent of the mischief the genie of open systems it let out of the bottle with the original open IBM Personal Computer , could wreak .
24 He said that after 1983 , Mrs Scott and her daughter decided to live in the kitchen with the dogs — which were never let out of the house — to stop them fighting .
25 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
26 Horowitz , tall and thin in the trench coat he still wore , and carrying the case he never let out of his sight , stared at both men .
27 When are we let out of these rooms ? ’
28 Under the new Dangerous Dogs Act , Cleo could have been put down , but the court accepted her owner 's plea that she had been deliberately and maliciously let out of a shed , and set a new precedent by allowing the dog to go back to her family .
29 Although not due for release until 2001 , the 45-year-old was recently let out of his low-security prison to spend a weekend with his wife Brenda who bought him a £35,000 K-reg Mercedes as a coming home present .
30 Tell him it 's the sort of thing no woman would want let out of the bag .
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