Example sentences of "consider in this " in BNC.

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1 There are many shifting thoughts to be considered in this extract , and there is colour too ; you need to convey the spurts of energy vocally .
2 He has pointed out , too , that if life is considered in this light , then some clays could be thought of as alive .
3 In addition , alone of the authorities considered in this article , district councils are on the second rung of a two-tier structure of local government .
4 Between 1979 and 1983 this region experienced the highest level of energy consumption growth of all among the Third World regions as considered in this study ( Latin America , Africa , South East Asia , Middle East ) and between 1983 and 2000 the level of increase will be exceeded only by South East Asia .
5 Four variables are not considered in this text , but they do not require any new principles beyond those outlined in this chapter .
6 The predators considered in this chapter generally consume most or all of the bodies of their prey .
7 The character and significance of these singularities must also be considered in this chapter .
8 It is this more general class of solutions that is considered in this section .
9 The discussion presented has the benefit of hindsight : although each idea appears obvious and in an obvious sequence , most were not obvious at the time they were discovered , the steps were not considered in this order and the overall result does not seem obvious even now .
10 In recent years political leaders in three of the countries considered in this book , Kenya , Nigeria and Tanzania have very suddenly announced fee-free , and in the last two cases , ‘ universal ’ primary education .
11 Three curriculum projects originating from the African Education Programme are briefly considered in this chapter , the African Mathematics Programme , The African Primary Science Programme ( APSP ) and the African Social Studies Programme ( ASSP ) .
12 The effect of the mind on the body , and the problem of disentangling physical and emotional causes in chronic health problems , are also considered in this chapter .
13 All of the problems considered in this section have had an optimal solution at θ = 0 .
14 JULIAN OF Norwich had an entirely different religious experience from the other writers we have considered in this book .
15 The case studies considered in this chapter indicate how difficult it is to formulate a coherent policy for mergers .
16 Or , as Sylvia Plath , one of the writers to be considered in this book , put it , with more feeling :
17 It is our judgement that all of the authors considered in this book were victims of such disorder and that the accounts of their lives in subsequent chapters can stand alone as evidence of that .
18 Advice not to write , in mediaeval times and later , is of little use to any of the authors considered in this book .
19 Various aspects of these topics will be considered in this paper , which falls into three parts .
20 Other troops which have a supporting role , and which can be considered in this category are Orc and Savage Orc Boyz armed with bows or crossbows .
21 The second topic to be considered in this first section is integration .
22 Two principal questions are considered in this paper .
23 Nearly all of the techniques considered in this book for controlling government and redressing grievances are formal and institutionalized .
24 Algebra was not tested in this project as it is not explicitly included in the foundation list , and so is the only content category of the framework missing from the topics considered in this chapter listed below .
25 The strategy will also require measures to counter the six forces currently at work locking this underclass firmly into place , and which are considered in this section .
26 Since that time , a major change has occurred with respect to social mobility that has had a direct bearing on the emergence of Britain 's underclass , and this is considered in this chapter .
27 Each of these traps is considered in this chapter , which begins by examining the increase in the numbers subjected to means-tested assistance in recent years .
28 The work to be considered in this chapter provides for a temporary completion of the argument concerning the nature of objectification to which the first part of this book has been devoted .
29 Several other ways of measuring the effect of bail on rates of offending are considered in this survey , as is the question whether more crime would be prevented if more people were remanded in custody rather than given bail .
30 The issues considered in this chapter have been , to a certain extent , theoretical .
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