Example sentences of "include [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Erm the planning conversation act nineteen ninety one requires the development plans to include policies for the conservation and that of the natural beauty and amenity of their land .
2 This kind of accountability goes beyond the narrowly defined stewardship of assets to include responsibility for the performance of those assets .
3 Unless an exemption applies , it therefore includes dealing in , arranging transactions in or advising on futures contracts ( which term is used in this chapter to include contracts for differences and options on futures ) , or managing a portfolio including futures contracts .
4 The funding formula is to include provision for special needs within the mainstream and funding for statemented pupils lies outside the formula .
5 They also authorised FERL to approach the former East German authorities of Thüringen , now one of the new ‘ Länder ’ ( regions ) in Germany , to ask them to include provision for community radios in their legislation .
6 In 1987 , in an article co-written with Marcus Miller , he extended the idea to include rules for managing domestic demand in a consistent way ** .
7 Ask Computer Systems Inc has expanded its Manman/X business information system to include support for the Oracle database and says it has signed a worldwide pact with Oracle Systems Corp to become an Oracle Business Alliance Partner : the two will continue to offer their respective products directly to mutual customers , and maintain separate but co-ordinated support staffs .
8 The good news for NeXT Computer Inc is that WordPerfect Corp plans to include support for NeXTstep for Intel Corp processors in the upcoming interim release of WordPerfect 1.0.1 for NeXT , the bad news is that Cable & Wireless Plc alumnus Peter van Cuylenburg is resigning as president and chief operating officer of NeXT , just one year after he joined the company — ‘ Now that NeXT is becoming a software company , NeXT and van Cuylenburg mutually agreed that the restructured 200-person company no longer requires both a chief executive and a president and chief operating officer , ’ NeXT said in a statement .
9 Novell will also announce that its Unix TCP/IP-based connectivity products LANworkplace and NetWare NFS have been extended to include support for OS/2 and Apple Macs .
10 DEC will also extend its Pathworks PC integration , another NAS service , to include support for NT clients and servers .
11 Despite its recent upgrades to include support for the IBM AT , fast colour monitors and the ability to set the default colours of each accessory window Spotlight lags behind SideKick on friendliness and ease of use .
12 It tries to include guidelines for good practice between adviser and client as well as accurate information .
13 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
14 Herbarium bench fees should be set to include funds for the use of these facilities .
15 This conclusion of overpricing was tempered by the observation that the underwriting fee may include payment for services in addition to the traditional insurance component of underwriting .
16 It empowers the Department of Justice to sue to obtain redress for victims of housing discrimination ( the damages may include payment for personal humiliation as well as loss of time or money ) .
17 It is reassuring to know that his duties will include responsibility for the BBC , for as George Walden argues on this page , it was he who rescued the Broadcasting Bill after the last Thatcher government made such a hash of television deregulation .
18 This will include responsibility for ensuring that schools and colleges meet the highest standards of academic performance , discipline and behaviour , and for providing special services for schools , such as peripatetic music , language development , or behaviour support .
19 This position is in the European and International Affairs Department in the ABPI , although the job will also include responsibility for UK registration affairs .
20 Wootton is understood to have felt unhappy with a proposed role that would include responsibility for existing HCK media accounts , with Colman 's in-house independent Media-Star handling any new business for the merged agency .
21 Manifestations of this would include responsibility for financing deficits , entitlements to surpluses and guarantees of , or ‘ moral responsibility ’ for debt .
22 One is to depend on supplementary benefit , which will generally include money for the payment of the interest on an existing mortgage .
23 It does not include birds for which a separate report is being compiled by the NCC and RSPB .
24 Chris Webb reported a quiet year for the planning committee , with only 78 applications , most of them for extensions , alterations and change of use , although it had included plans for low cost housing .
25 Part of Booth 's schemes to improve the lot of the disadvantaged in society had included plans for an overseas colony .
26 It would have included responsibility for the finance , organization and administration of the Magistrates ' courts , and for criminal legal aid .
27 To support distributed computing environments , Dun & Bradstreet says SmartStream will include support for the Open Software Foundation Distributed Computing and Management Environments .
28 Enhancements to the Passport switch will include support for Ethernet , Token Ring and FDDI interfaces as well as transparent , source route , and source route transparent bridging .
29 It also plans to bolster the cross-system capabilities of its QuickTime video playback software with QuickTime 1.1 for Windows , which will add capabilities from the Mac version and it will include support for Object Linking and Embedding .
30 To support distributed computing environments D&B says SmartStream will include support for Open Software Foundation Distributed Computing and Management Environments .
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