Example sentences of "eye like [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Here and there , unperturbed , solitary among the crowd , the fulmars ; and out there in the air , huge and unmistakable among the teeming thousands , those unpleasant predators the great black-backed gulls , with their cruel beaks and dead eyes like sharks ' eyes , and their ineffable grace of flight .
2 Two dogs came in to share her solitude , absurd , dignified little Pekinese who regarded her gravely with their blue-brown eyes like marbles and then lay before the fire and ignored her .
3 In desperation your mother gave me some home movies they 'd made over the years , and I watched a chubby five-year-old with a cheeky grin and eyes like pansies .
4 ‘ Rather too well , ’ said the new Minister for Sport , his eyes like chips of ice .
5 Sairellen herself had met the constable on her doorstep and kept him there , her arms folded across her impassive chest , her eyes like chips of granite .
6 He staggered to his feet , swaying a little , his eyes like chips of blue ice .
7 Violet increasingly aware of prowling men — and , much more alarming , threatening — that she should move , only she could not move : the scowls of the whores , and some mean faces , eyes like flints , that she was poaching .
8 She talked darkly of witchcraft , of wolves with eyes like opals , and fiery breath which left scorch marks on the ground ; and countercharged .
9 Have you not seen young girls with eyes like stars ? ’
10 Kukuli was Quechua for ‘ beautiful bird ’ and even in the dim light of the carriage I could see she had eyes like stars .
11 He had always thought that poets grossly overstated things when they talked of eyes like stars .
12 She nodded , her eyes like stars , her pulse racing at the implication in his words .
13 Eyes like beetles caught on the bushes .
14 With her white hair , her eyes like bits of the sky .
15 Sergeant Joe did n't quite , but he looked as if he did , his eyes like gimlets , his mouth a hard line beneath his moustache .
16 There were crescents under his eyes like bruises , and his jaw jutted out as though it were trying to overtake his nose .
17 During the past few days anxiety had shadowed his eyes like bruises ; they were brighter now and eager in their attention to the door through which his wife must soon enter .
18 Her arm was draped elegantly across his shoulders , and she was looking at him with eyes like headlights , as though she were starving and he were a cream cake .
19 His shoulder-length jet-black hair falls dramatically and we see his face clearly for the first time — high-cheek-boned , eyes like slits of molten anthracite .
20 Afterwards , he would read aloud from the Bible , but with difficulty because the letters on the page seemed to crawl before his eyes like flies , and sometimes were flies .
21 With that raven hair and eyes like gentians ? ’
22 ‘ Raven hair and eyes like gentians ’ , indeed ! ’
23 eyes like pearls sealed under stone .
24 He picks it up and sees that it 's a tiny silver woman , with hair like spun silk and blue eyes like pieces of the sky come down to earth — ;
25 ‘ Jessica , ’ she said , her eyes like diamonds .
26 Nature had touched his face with beauty , giving him finely-sculptured bones beneath a lightly tanned skin , eyes like aquamarines , and hair more silver than gold which curled slightly beneath his tall beaver hat .
27 Eyes like saucers at those frightful queens we both know and love .
28 Looking back at her from the mirror , with eyes like saucers , was a small , olive-green frog .
29 The night Ellie first wore the gown to the opera , her three eldest brothers all wolf-whistled her to the door and Patsy , his eyes like saucers , gave her a corsage of orchids and escorted her to the limousine which had come to collect her .
30 Topaz stared at the ring with the huge ruby surrounded by diamonds , her eyes like saucers .
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