Example sentences of "eye [coord] a " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps to resist manipulation by a cuckoo you need bigger eyes or a bigger brain , which would have overhead costs .
2 That quality is not inherent in us , like being born with beautiful blue eyes or a lovely skin , so that some people naturally have good relationships and others equally naturally do not .
3 She is a small , passionate , very striking young woman with deep shining black eyes and a glittering smile , talking ten to the dozen in a strong Moroccan accent .
4 I ran down to meet him , but when I got there I saw that he had narrow eyes and a mean mouth and I did n't like him one bit .
5 He had blond hair , light eyes and a thin face .
6 The former Dr Feelgood and Blockhead , owner of chameleon eyes and a manic Chuck Berry-like duck waddle , now leads a fearsome three piece .
7 He had a large head with his hair cut right into the wood , piggy eyes and a broad flat nose that looked like it had been well punched in its day .
8 They are names which , mentioned favourably , are guaranteed to cause narrowed eyes and a suspicion of froth at the mouth corners in senior members of the nuclear establishment .
9 Baby had looked like this doll , as though nearly real , yet not quite , with a waxy pale skin , yellow-tinged , bright glassy eyes and a dainty pink mouth .
10 There were some bruised shins and sprained ankles , black eyes and a few cuts and grazes but nothing you would n't get on a rugby field , although a couple of old ladies were taken off home by ambulance with attacks of the vapours .
11 Here was a face , buried in its cloud of hair , which looked more like a mask than a living thing , a mask such as might be worn on All Souls ' Eve to scare the children , all thickly white with painted black sockets for eyes and a mouth so crudely gashed it was but a slit .
12 Doisneau is a small , bird-like man with mischievous eyes and a gleeful laugh .
13 He had caught cold , or more likely , suffered from an allergy , Trent thought as he remarked the inflamed eyelids that shuttered the eyes and a nose drip that the thin man dipped into a linen handkerchief every half-a-minute — dip , dip , like a skinny waterbird feeding along the tideline .
14 Like Modigliani , Jeanne was a romantic , a mysterious young woman with soulful blue eyes and a generous mouth .
15 But it is also noticeable that Mackenzie wrote a much less dramatized description of his grandmother , ‘ a weird old lady ’ with penetrating eyes and a low voice ’ , who had only fallen a little less severely than her ex-husband , living as landlady in a poor alley with ‘ an old servant companion ’ in a house furnished with antiques .
16 He had wide-set brown eyes and a way of gritting his teeth in a half smile , as if against the energy which coursed through him .
17 He has large , wide-set , brown liquid eyes and a broad , ready smile .
18 He smiled at Roland , a pleased , voracious smile , with bright blue eyes and a long mouth terribly full of strong white teeth .
19 It has relatively large eyes and a small mouth , with small sharp teeth on both upper and lower jaws .
20 He had an unshaven anvil chin , glittering eyes and a blonde-haired schoolteacher whose name was Maya .
21 When she placed the paper cone by the side of the three bags she was confronted by a pair of unsmiling eyes and a voice that held condemnation : ‘ Ye 've nivvor weighed it . ’
22 Leading Shakespearean actor Ralph Fiennes , nephew of the explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes , favours the romantic Lean image of Lawrence as tall , diffident and spiritual , with sensitive eyes and a charismatic personality , but the mad neurotic quality has gone , leaving only a nervous giggle and an impish sense of humour .
23 She was a fine upstanding middle-aged lady with sharp eyes and a lucid tongue .
24 These tears are both a veil for the eyes and a screen for the transcendent mind , which isolates man from his environment and shows him a land of ecstasy and delight .
25 The gentleman to whom I was presented was an upright , elderly man with piercing eyes and a chin that looked as if he would stand no nonsense .
26 He was a tall man with flashing eyes and a ruddy complexion , who told his young bride that he would rather live on bread and water in that north country scenery than on the fat of the land in London .
27 There was another , a giant with steel-grey hair , piercing blue eyes and a cruel mouth .
28 On top was the Queen with Princess Anne in a pushchair and Paul McCartney as Dad , and here was one I had near the beginning about being in a space-ship — Brian and me were weightless and floating around , and what we had to do was to get some stability by getting hold of this firework , a sort of Catherine wheel that was going round and round and showering sparks in our faces , so we closed our eyes and a fire-fanged beast roared flames at us and burned a hole in the space-ship and I fell , still with my eyes tight shut , out into the bottomless black void .
29 But notwithstanding these shortcomings , he had lovely brown eyes and a whimsical expression , and Breeze was delighted with him .
30 Handcuffs , harnesses , ankle-holsters , studded chokers , and a mask with no eyes and a zip for a mouth .
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