Example sentences of "eye [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want to see , ’ said Pearce , without taking his eyes off Rohmer .
2 Although ostensibly listening to what Jonadab was saying , he could not take his eyes off Sarah .
3 Tommy , who was accompanying them on the mouth-organ , noticed that Charlie could n't take his eyes off Rose the barmaid who , although on the wrong side of thirty , never stopped flirting with the young recruits .
4 Helen , never taking her eyes off Alexandra , craned sideways so that she could wind a finger round and round in a hole in her black stocking .
5 John poured himself another drink without taking his eyes off Maggie .
6 Without taking his penetrating eyes off Mungo , he held out his hands like a graceful , unhurried conjurer to show that he was hiding nothing .
7 ‘ Nobody , ’ he said , not taking his eyes off Mick working on the wheel .
8 I do n't know whether it contributed much — one never knows oneself whether it contributes or nOt — but I never took my eyes off Peter during this scene , willed him to do this , that and the other , and was saddened and grieved and distressed by the fact that everybody turned against him at the end .
9 Bingham ca n't take his eyes off Ali ; the still life of his friend , tethered so completely , seems as incomprehensible to him as it would to others who followed the radiated glow of Ali 's invulnerability .
10 ‘ No , ’ said Rohmer , without taking his eyes off Cardiff .
11 He could n't take his eyes off Zambia 's stomach which was revealed quite plainly as SHe sat up in bed .
12 She did n't take her eyes off Frank .
13 ‘ I ca n't take my eyes off people 's footwear .
14 Terry burst out laughing , causing all the people in the restaurant to take their eyes off Maura and begin staring at him .
15 ‘ Throw me out , ’ said Kelly without taking her eyes off Broom-Parker , ‘ and the whiskers come too .
16 In the other corner , Carmella had her hand in Joey 's , who , as usual , could n't keep his eyes off Noreen .
17 ‘ Well , just keep an eye on it , ’ said Duvall , without taking his eyes off Jimmy , and meaning Barbara .
18 She could not take her eyes off Heathcliff .
19 He could n't keep his eyes off Ace .
20 There 's no real hurry , it 's not till 11.30 ) chatting brightly to hide the hollow empty absence of anything at all in the way of feeling , and kept my eyes off Toby 's face which had a look on it as if someone were dragging his insides out .
21 I 've settled with her ; she knows her place , ’ Rose said over her shoulder , not taking her eyes off Coffin 's face .
22 He searched her eyes for signs of contempt and loathing , but all he could see was sympathy .
23 Henry looked at her more closely , mistaking the dark rings round her eyes for signs of late nights and fast living .
24 In some numbers he wrote half the contents ; in others , especially at the time of an operation on his eyes for glaucoma , little .
25 I said hello to everybody and looked into their eyes for hints of recognition — that these famous musical arbiters and copy- fuhrers might remember my earlier attempts to bum a job on the journo rollercoaster .
26 Prince Charles , honoured by being momentarily cast a Chinese emperor , dabbed ink on the lion 's eyes for luck .
27 Poems of the Past and the Present ( 1901 , dated 1902 ) was more warmly received , partly because some of the Boer War poems — distinguished in one commentator 's eyes for dwelling ‘ not on the glory , but on the piteousness of the struggle ’ — were already familiar through the newspapers .
28 ‘ If she finds me with you she 'll have my eyes for marbles . ’
29 Blue larkspur against a table-slip of faded mauve velvet , oh ! how unutterably delicious it is to tired eyes For half-a-crown , one of those gigantic glazed brown earthenware jugs ( filled with cream ) and for 5 ½d. each half a dozen tiny ones to match .
30 Paint your eyes for Daddy
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