Example sentences of "eye [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hear you 're leaving us , Merrill , ’ he said , his eyes kind behind the heavy horn-rims .
2 Michael was fuming , his blue eyes dark with anger .
3 His brown eyes dark with anger , he stared the old man out .
4 ‘ Think again , ’ she said jauntily , her eyes dark with warning .
5 Backing away , her eyes dark with fear and a terrible , raging need as he prowled , step by step , towards her , she felt her naked spine against the chill glass of the mirror .
6 She looked , if anything , paler than usual , her grey eyes dark with some unfathomable emotion .
7 She spun round , startled , at the sound of Jake 's voice , to find him standing at her elbow , blue eyes dark with condemnation as they looked down into her face .
8 His voice was filled with tenderness , his eyes dark with understanding , and she nodded , loving him more than ever at that moment .
9 When she finally reached his side , he looked up , his eyes dark with an anger he was n't quite quick enough to conceal .
10 As they went into the hotel lobby , he noticed that her make-up was a mask , crimson lips and fake tan and eyes dark as a domino .
11 ‘ My lord ? ’ she said , looking up at him , her eyes dark like the night , her voice warm , welcoming .
12 ‘ All right ! ’ she relented savagely , her eyes dark in contrast to the pallor of rage .
13 She felt the glittering sweep of his blue eyes flame over the creamy translucence of her bare shoulders to the curve of her breasts .
14 He looked at her now , dark eyes green as the ocean depths , unfathomable , like the man himself .
15 eyes innocent of feeling
16 Did they have to use these foul lights that blistered the back of his neck with heat and almost blinded him , making his eyes water with their stabbing ?
17 The banshee sometimes appears as a horrific woman with straggling black hair , one nostril , protruding front teeth , and eyes red from weeping .
18 She saw the chunky figure of a child in vest and knickers , neck red from scrubbing , eyes red from weeping .
19 Mrs Maylie came back with her eyes red from crying .
20 The man licked mud-caked lips , eyes half-closing in weariness .
21 She was waving her hands at him to deny what he was saying ; the press girl was running up , but Jean-Claude , she realised later , as she reconstructed the scene in her mind , was leaning up against the cameraman 's steel chair on the travelling rig and smoking , his hands cupped over his mouth as he did so , like a wise monkey hiding his speaking , his eyes half-closed behind his glasses , more lizard now than trout .
22 Ambiguous words spoken in anger , or intended merely as a reprimand , may in your eyes amount to words of dismissal , even if there is no constructive dismissal .
23 Cadle eyes history in the making
24 ‘ We were disappointed that you decided not to join us , ’ she said , keeping her eyes intent on the table .
25 Yes , that , and the way the Gruagach ignored the — what did Nuadu and Caspar call them ? — the Tree Laws , ’ said Snodgrass , his eyes intent on what was happening .
26 I need you , Hilary , ’ he added softly , his eyes intent on hers .
27 ‘ Ploy , Gina ? ’ he growled , his ice-blue eyes intent on her face .
28 For one poignant second he stood still , his eyes intent on her face , then he was turning away , moving towards the kitchen , saying expressionlessly , ‘ Of course , if that 's the way you want it , Gina . ’
29 He put his drink down and turned her to face him , his eyes intent on her face .
30 Fen seemed inordinately interested in her answer , his eyes intent on her serious face as she considered the question .
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