Example sentences of "pay for more " in BNC.

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1 The funds will also pay for more research into the Earth and marine sciences , and for the study of the upper atmosphere ( New Scientist , 18 November 1982 , p 406 ) .
2 But were the Liberal Democrats not in favour of higher taxation — with their famous penny on basic rate income tax to pay for more education spending , and a new top rate of tax set at 50 per cent ?
3 In department X the company would not have to pay for more labour hours but more will be worked ( instead of being idle ) .
4 If the right hon. Gentleman would only himself address the causes of crime , he would realise that they would certainly not be solved by the suggestion made at the Labour party press conference this morning — that we should empty our prisons to pay for more police .
5 Is it expected that that will be the embryo for a carbon tax to pay for more investment in renewable energies ?
6 Once paper rationing ended in 1956 , the size of papers swelled and slumped as fluctuations in advertising revenue paid for more or fewer pages .
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