Example sentences of "face like [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Heat was also a problem it melted the false faces like candle wax . ’
2 Many children , it was said , ‘ actually begin their downward course of crime by reason of the burglary and pickpocket scenes they have witnessed ’ : ‘ All who care for the moral well-being and education of the child will set their faces like flint against this new form of excitement . ’
3 She stood there with hands on her hips , glaring with a face like thunder .
4 She went into the kitchen where Sarah was standing , hands on hips , her face like thunder .
5 Harry walked on , his face like thunder , his fists still clenched , his self-esteem badly bruised from the catcalls and laughter of the village .
6 Came in with a face like thunder . ’
7 ‘ Later ! ’ he snapped , his face like thunder .
8 Penry made several attempts to break it , but gave up at last , his face like thunder as he drove at a speed which frightened Leonora to death .
9 what is up with your , well you got a face like thunder !
10 Tallis-Holly watched and soon three riders passed from the human world , an old man , a young man , a woman with a face like stone .
11 With a face like mine I never get my bum pinched or felt !
12 Not a trace remained of the cold rage that had set his face like granite .
13 He swore softly , colourfully , his face like granite as he swept a gaze round the room before lifting her into his arms and carrying her from the house .
14 He had her by the arms before she could move , his face like granite as he glared down at her .
15 He did n't bother to answer , just dipped his head in the barest acknowledgement , his face like granite , his eyes devoid of expression .
16 A smile appeared on his face like oil surfacing on still water .
17 Her face like chalk , Luce said , ‘ I can understand why you 're so bitter .
18 Therefore I have set my face like flint .
19 He looked at her , his face like flint .
20 His abuse beat in her face like rain so heavy that it forced shut her eyes .
21 Swaying , skeletal , and her face like snow .
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