Example sentences of "least as [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to remember that management techniques such as time and motion study , financial controls etc are used by high producing managers ‘ at least as completely as by the low producing managers , but in quite different ways . ’
2 He took Sotheby 's into the art financing business , and directed staff to cultivate potential buyers at least as carefully as they had hitherto cultivated sellers .
3 ( So it is recommended that you get into the habit of running VALIDATE at least as frequently as your tape re-use cycle ! )
4 While diesel cars will never be seen as road burners , they will go at least as fast as the ‘ cooking ’ versions of ordinary petrol-powered saloons and hatchbacks .
5 What is more , the countries of Europe who are not members of the EEC have increased their trade at least as fast as have those of the Community , and there is no EEC country other than Luxembourg which has a per capita income higher than any ( except Austria ) of the Efta countries .
6 Yesterday , Mr Dubcek 's name was chanted at least as loudly as it was in the same square over 21 years ago .
7 Yesterday , Mr Dubcek 's name was chanted at least as loudly as it was in the same square over 21 years ago .
8 Now it is at least as well supported as the ST , and its advantages are finally starting to count .
9 That is why I want to find out , at least as well as I can by watching him , what he is like … .
10 Surprisingly , it follows the original plot admirably ( or at least as well as it could ) but unfortunately there are only eight screens to negotiate , leaving very little in the lastability stakes .
11 Opinion is divided as to whether it is preferable to have an incumbent who is wholly unmusical or one who is at least as well qualified as the musical director .
12 The relatively high completion rates for the ‘ Other NSEs ’ reflects the fact that this includes students with ‘ professional , nursing , technical or secretarial qualifications ’ The pattern which emerges is that students who have been selected on the basis of success in some form of study which prepares them for the demands which will be placed on them in higher education respond as least as well if not better than the traditionally qualified A-level entrants , while those with less evidence of success of this kind find the transition to higher education difficult and are more likely to drop-out .
13 In principle , the government might do this at least as effectively as private markets .
14 The idea of marriage into the royal house of France had been openly raised at least as early as September 1543 , and presumably had been in the mind of Mary of Guise long before that .
15 Verderers are mentioned by that name at least as early as Richard I 's Forest Assize of 1198 .
16 Extensive lead mining was done on Grassington Moor , north-east of this Wharfedale village , from at least as early as the Tudor period , and some remains of the industry are still to be seen , mainly dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
17 Natural fish oil has been used as a traditional folk remedy at least as early as the eighteenth century .
18 There is a sense in which this task has remained the same since libraries began ( clay tablets were gathered into organized collections in Mesopotamia at least as early as 2700 BC ) but modern librarianship properly dates from the nineteenth century , from Panizzi 's reign at the British Museum , from the spread of the public library movement in Britain , the USA and Scandinavia , and from the new techniques initiated by such creative geniuses ( in their day ) as Melvil Dewey and Charles Amni Cutter .
19 Similar cuts were used by Indian lapidaries , at least as early as the seventeenth century .
20 Long before that — at least as early as 1775 — the courts had laid down the general principle of law that a person can not bring an action based on his own wrong ( ex turpi causa non oritur actio ) .
21 This was John Redford , vicar-choral and master of the choristers of St. Paul 's Cathedral from at least as early as 1534 ( when he signed the loyal declaration denying papal authority over the Church in England ) till his death in 1547 , playwright and poet .
22 The usefulness of having voice-parts in score , so that they could be played on a keyboard instrument ( as distinct from the highly embellished transcriptions ) or used ‘ for the study of counterpoint ’ , had been recognized at least as early as 1577 , when Gardano published two such volumes , one of Rore 's four-part madrigals , the other of miscellaneous pieces .
23 Such an idea was beginning to be put forward at least as early as the 1720s .
24 As ever , there is much to be gained from seeking expert advice at an early stage , especially since tax law changes at least as rapidly as employment law and your personal circumstances may also affect the view that you ought to take .
25 People whose wealth consists mainly of real property , on the other hand , are likely to find that the value of their wealth rises at least as rapidly as the general price level .
26 Most of the time one was all right — or at least as all right as one had ever been — and then out of the blue it struck , a hideous uprush of fear , of longing , of shame .
27 But our individual employees are entitled to be treated at least as fairly as their colleagues in Europe .
28 Iraq 's heritage has been at least as much shaped by Ottoman rule as Romania 's , but equally Saddam and the Iraqi Ba'ath Party modelled their organization and secret police methods on those of the Soviet Communist Party and its little brothers .
29 You need at least as much space disk capacity as there is RAM to save .
30 From the yet more gloomy expression on his normally lugubrious face it was evident that he had resigned himself to her companionship at least as far as his hotel perched up far above the sea .
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