Example sentences of "least [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But it was obvious to even the meanest intelligence that surprise was the least descriptive word to be applied to her .
2 The Milne and Stewart Consultancy 's survey indicated that the further away from London that people live , the more willing they are to move , with the least mobile staff living in London and the South East ( see Table 1.4 ) .
3 At the time of his Foreign Office appointment , he was engaged on at least forty-seven buildings , including major restorations of Westminster and St Albans Abbeys , Gloucester , Ely , Lichfield and Wakefield Cathedrals and eleven new churches .
4 Holiday prices are based on twin bedded rooms with private facilities of at least private shower and w.c .
5 weigh at least eight stone
6 During the period 1617–30 Monteverdi composed at least eight operas or quasi-operatic works , nearly all for his old masters , the Gonzaga dukes of Mantua , and all destroyed when the Imperialist army sacked Mantua in 1630 .
7 Many of the records of insects represent an extension of the known range of the particular species : three species of bees , five of aculeate wasps and 20 of hoverflies are among many new records for Leicestershire ; the cuckoo wasp , Vespula austriaca , is new to central England ; there is the most southerly record of a calliphorid fly , which is common in Scotland ; at least eight species of Ichneumonidae and five of Serphidae are new to Britain ; and two ichneumonids are probably new to science .
8 An example of indirect discrimination would be a condition that a vacant job will only be given to someone who is at least eight feet tall .
9 At least eight Indians were arrested .
10 ‘ At least eight companies in the north-east of Scotland , employing about 1,000 people in total , are very heavily dependant on the type of fish obtained from the Arctic and future viability will be doubtful without these supplies . ’
11 In the absence of such a policy , the society had sought to merge with at least eight institutions — universities , museums and libraries — before initiating talks with the New York Public Library .
12 Grumbles from businessmen about bad service , extortionate prices and victimisation for trying to switch garbage collectors have provoked at least eight government investigations since the mid-1950s into racketeering in the city 's waste-disposal industry .
13 A creamy glycerine-enriched lotion that smells faintly of cloves , it is easily absorbed and appears to fulfil its promise of keeping the skin moisturised and soft for at least eight hours after application .
14 For at least eight hours each week , students were expected to work alone or in pairs on experiments in the laboratory , with some supervision by staff and postgraduates .
15 Gastric juice was then collected from patients undergoing routine diagnostic gastroscopy who had fasted for at least eight hours .
16 The protests were accompanied by at least eight cases of self-immolation , several of which resulted in deaths and were themselves the focus of further protests .
17 According to the latter system each country is given a number of votes in relation to its size and to gain a majority a proposal has to obtain fifty-four votes out of a total of seventy-six and be approved by at least eight member states .
18 And , there 's at least eight discs available at the present time , and more could be made available .
19 cAMP-CRP and CytR in combination regulate initiation of transcription from at least eight operons that code for proteins involved in nucleoside and deoxynucleoside catabolism and transport in E.coli ( 1 ) .
20 Thailand 's health ministry says there are about 80,000 prostitutes in the country ; the police reckon there are at least eight times that number .
21 Manuscripts of the Tales , lots of undated lyrics on random little slips of paper , and of course all the revisions of Melusina , which she rewrote at least eight times , always changing it .
22 As mentioned , if you work it out for maternal erm for maternal cousins , for example the benefit turns out , has to be at least eight times .
23 There is redundant data-ink : each column repeats its one datum at least eight times counting the three visible verticals , the four sides of the top , and the height of each column 's shading .
24 Through homology to Drosophila paired box-containing segmentation genes , at least eight members of the vertebrate Pax gene family have been isolated .
25 Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to flush out your system .
26 A contract engineer called to my machine at work said that I should have a least eight inches of space all around it to prevent it from overheating or , if that did not solve the problem , it would need a new hard disk .
27 These will be made up into an album of at least eight prints and the best portrait will be specially framed for you .
28 Start drinking plenty of bland liquids such as water , milk , weak tea or orange squash ( not orange juice or carbonated drinks ) , and aim to drink at least eight pints a day .
29 At least eight prison inmates attempt suicide or mutilate themselves daily according to the Howard League for Penal Reform which said the catalogue of self-injuries , almost 3,000 incidents last year , was an ‘ appalling record ’ .
30 The essay , on ‘ The Dangers of Smoking ’ , had cost Hank a number of Sundays of hard work , and he estimated that he must have smoked at least eight packs of cigarettes while writing it , but to his astonishment it had won him a hundred dollars .
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