Example sentences of "late [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was a mark of the esteem in which John Burridge was held at Selhurst Park , both as a goalkeeper and as a showman , that whenever he has subsequently returned here with his later clubs he has invariably been accorded a warm welcome , both from Palace fans and from his former playing colleagues .
2 It was noticeable that there was a willingness on the part of quite a number of voters to express as many preferences as there were candidates and the comment was sometimes made that while it was not too difficult to decide which candidates should be given first and early preferences and which candidates should be given last and later preferences it was less easy to decide the order of preference in which the middle range of candidates should be placed .
3 In later times it was briefly occupied by Cromwell and by Bonnie Prince Charlie during the Rebellion of 1745 .
4 Amber has always been used predominantly for jewellery , but in later times it also served to meet a variety of personal needs such as smoking gear , rosaries and worry beads .
5 In the light of this fact it seems possible to suggest that those authors who subscribe to the former view do so because in later times it would have been only in the rarest of circumstances that one would have held the kadilik after the kazaskerlik .
6 The smoke is probably unburnt fuel If the carb is a little bit worn it will do this The Solex carb is more prone to this than the later Zenith It may also be slight oil burning which is also very common as the engine starts and only happens for a few seconds This is a ‘ feature ’ of Land Rovers and is not really cause for concern
7 I think that would defeat the object in small places because you can hear these diesel cars coming a hundred miles away , in the later hours you can
8 In a later chapter I refer to the modern notions of witchcraft and satanism which receive such wide publicity today .
9 In a later chapter I address some of these differences in behaviour , values and approach , but the principles of ‘ switching on ’ apply everywhere .
10 The popular courts survived far longer , and the royal court remained stronger than elsewhere in northern Europe ; and in the twelfth century the royal court began to grow in importance , until in later centuries it swallowed the jurisdiction of most other courts .
11 It was so radical that in later centuries it did lead to the abolition of slavery in the Western world .
12 It transpired that Hannah was well capable of coping with this sudden celebrity status , displaying a curiously ingenuous confidence as in later months she met people ranging from royalty to hard-nosed journalists , and completely disarmed them all .
13 At a later interview he was asked for what the Nobel had been awarded ; Eliot replied that he assumed it was for " the entire corpus " and the reporter asked , " When did you publish that ? "
14 In a later interview he was to say of his poetry that " … in its sources , in its emotional springs , it comes from America " .
15 ‘ The whole journal appears to have been written in South Africa but he moved to Cape Province , and from later entries it seems he was in contact with Cecil Rhodes … ’
16 Erm the world is indeed inter-related erm we are talking in strategic terms of a multilateral er er erm system just as we , as , when we come to the later lectures we will see , as is the case with economic relations .
17 With this and a later inheritance he was able to indulge his passion for science by organising what might be considered the forerunners of today 's scientific conferences .
18 In the later decades it was raised more often .
19 John was so sure of an encore that he rehearsed the girls in a burlesque version of a quartet from the Gaiety Theatre in London , and in a later scene they performed a coconut dance — a long-established feature of theatre and street dance of the time .
20 On later models it is the tag which holds the rad cap chain and is thus marked 4M54 , which means April 1954 .
21 If we here abandon the time-sequence of his life and anticipate his later work we should also see that an idea or hypothesis was often involved in some of his work , being followed by experiment involving accurate measurement to verify or deny the hypothesis .
22 Here , we concentrate on a partial equilibrium story and explore how economic agents tackle a rather difficult dynamic decision problem ; in later work we shall embed this story in a market context , but this first step will enable us to isolate certain elements in the market story .
23 Marx 's own use of the term is tied up with his critique of idealism and it is not surprising that when in his later work he turned his attention to a materialist analysis of the capitalist mode of production , the term and concept of ideology occurs infrequently .
24 In later work it was referred to as a " contiguity factor . "
25 But that was the first case of that absolute determination which he was to use to great effect in the later films I did with him . ’
26 That might be later might'n it ?
27 And you know , you always you er give , gave your number you see and er course some people I believe had an a I believe in later days they 'd given the older numbers out again , I do n't know wh you know , because some people that 've joined since me have got an older number , so I do n't know whether they 've given the ol they were sort of long since run out , you know .
28 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
29 And er in later days it was called the School .
30 His pictures vary in style : in his later days he showed himself capable of the common sort of conventionally flattering portrait , but , particularly from his earlier years in London , there exists a body of work demonstrating his great talent for lively detail and natural rather than conventional compositions .
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