Example sentences of "able [to-vb] into " in BNC.

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1 Unless this implicit argumentative dimension is recognized , it is not possible to understand how the actual historical events were able to realize into explicitness a particular set of implicit half-formed justifications .
2 He prayed absentmindedly , never able to fall into the even , sleepy drone and hum of ‘ Our Father ’ and ‘ Hail Mary' .
3 Oh to be able to fall into it and sink into oblivion !
4 Gabriel was able to slide into it , head-first , over the edge of the platform , and lay curled up in the bottom , as still as a hedgehog in hibernation .
5 You should be able to go into turns and make centring movements without having to refer to the slip ball , yaw string , or ASI .
6 The USS Enterprise may have been able to go into hyperspace , but the ITN news machine was in hypertime , boldly going where no returning officers had gone before .
7 But they do n't speak any English , I do n't speak any Arabic , so I 'm gesturing away about the bar-tailed lark and not being able to go into the forbidden zone , and somehow or other the leader understands what I 'm going on about and makes me understand that because they 're nomads they do n't have to follow international boundaries .
8 If you are not satisfied with the reply , the trade union or professional association to which your parent belongs may be able to go into the matter further .
9 I asked Joyce what aspect of her phobia she felt still remained and she said that she would like to be able to go into an open space such as a park , where there were likely to be many more birds around .
10 Magazines are fine , but you want to be able to go into bookshops and have access to other people 's minds and lives through fiction .
11 We should be able to go into the big houses and let the gentry know that we are honest , that 's the only way they 'll give us their business .
12 And that was my problem with it was that I was in much in terms of being able to go into the classroom an and talk to the kids and have a really good relationship with the teachers and things .
13 Erm because the the there are quite detailed reports here which I 'm not , not able to go into .
14 She looked at him with a derision of her own , delighted to be able to go into battle , and she was just standing to leave when there was a noise in another room of the suite as if something had fallen over .
15 Ever since I was able to go into Porteneil alone and check things up in the library my father has had to be pretty straight with me , but when I was younger he used to fool me time after time , answering my honest if naive questions with utter rubbish .
16 He he 's arguing I think on a basis of , of the experience of the past few years that the situation now in China was a , was a rather variable one , that land reform had proceeded at different rates in different areas and because areas where different that had to be taken into account and Mao explicitly was going back to the idea that in the newly liberated areas the policy would be one of rent reduction , interest rate reduction and that rent and interest rate reduction had to be established for some time until the position had consolidated around rent reduction , around interest rate reduction and once that had happened you would then be able to go into land reform itself .
17 ‘ Especially when I was shutting myself away until two or three in the morning , so that I was absolutely certain that I was going to be able to go into the studio a few hours later and deliver something that was believable and complete . ’
18 Hendry was nowhere near his best in the afternoon session but with Wattana , who beat Jimmy White in the semi-finals also making mistakes , Hendry was able to go into the interval with a narrow 4-3 lead .
19 what will you do , be able to go into the hotel to make your butties into your room and do it , or
20 The waste from one pipe should not be able to flow into another
21 We are able to see into the heart of things for other people .
22 The knowledge of how easy it would be to just reach out and take the Robe of Eyes and wear it and be able to see into other people s deepest thoughts flooded her mind , scaldingly .
23 Lorton realized that , when they reached the exit , the attendant might be able to see into the car .
24 The effect of this is noticeable on people from hotter climates who have siestas ; they are able to work into the early hours of the morning without feeling fatigue .
25 With Maggie in London , Sheila and Mona had more light to themselves and were better able to come into their own .
26 Neither Grosbard 's direction nor Gardner 's script is able to come into focus and , as a result , Dustin 's character remains blurred .
27 His clients were normally able to come into the market with at least 110,000 each per trade , and sometimes as much as £100,000 .
28 In Northumberland , half the farmers are tenant farmers and we need a greater supply of land for rent to ensure the continued prosperity of the tenanted sector , with new entrants being able to come into agriculture .
29 Much will now depend on Nordstrom being able to plug into a ‘ superhighway ’ using digital and fibre-optic technology to provide new telecommunications links .
30 ‘ I was able to plug into a growing formula which was already successful and so avoid the ‘ learning curve ’ which so often represents the downfall of any new venture , ’ said Mr Singleton .
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