Example sentences of "appear not to " in BNC.

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1 But appear not to be .
2 ‘ They have a very complex structure and at first sight they appear not to be connected in any way , ’ said Professor Mann .
3 A detailed examination of the linen , the small pillow with its corner tassels and broderie anglaise hem and the wrap-over sheet with similar trimmings , appear not to be bedclothes but an exceptionally superior coffin suite .
4 Margery 's ‘ visions ’ appear not to be typical of those of more orthodox mystics .
5 My point , in this rough-and-ready example , is to isolate certain basic impulses which appear not to be dependent upon others .
6 Further , firms ' employment policies may be discriminatory even when they appear not to be .
7 ‘ As you probably know , Major Maxim is attached to Number 10 for duties that appear not to be precisely defined but touch on security matters .
8 The Opposition understand — Conservative Members appear not to — that there can be no freedom without equality , and equality is underpinned by rights .
9 For vendors who have had no previous contact with KPMG and who appear not to be totally committed to the proposed transaction , consideration should be given to requesting an up front commitment to cover set up costs of the job ( preliminary buyer research etc ) and as contribution to the costs of preparing any documentation .
10 This is not very surprising when we consider that most joint ventures appear not to be entirely voluntary .
11 The gorge walls , over 50 feet in places , came so close they nearly touched and , below , a river straight out of a canoeist 's toybox , not large by any standards but clean , powerful , unspoilt and appearing not to be reliant on heavy rainfall .
12 People do not like to see land set aside , with someone appearing not to be doing very much with the land set aside and getting paid for it .
13 They were watching Alison with interest , and trying to appear not to .
14 It would appear not to be necessary to provide a range of shafts for iron clubs and possibly not for woods either .
15 This latter consideration seems to be especially important , since fluctuations in headhunting usage by clients would appear not to be constant but to rise and fall with internal and external changes in demand for staff , as one would expect .
16 If this argument is correct then the critical distinction between civil and enterprise association would appear not to be a qualitative distinction but merely one of degree .
17 From observing the conduct of others on their beat , this appears not to be the majority view .
18 Initially this appears not to be so , since while the Freudian model posits a repression within the subject , the materialist model posits a repression outside the subject in the form of its other .
19 As a method it appears not to be favoured for the removal of large concentrations of highly odorous compounds , which is necessary in the animal by-product industry for example .
20 Because BR 's risk assessment evidently ignored customer losses , the investment in an all-weather rail system appears not to be justified .
21 In a speech in Donegal before the by-election in November 1980 , Garrett FitzGerald of Fine Gael said , ‘ Until and unless it is shown conclusively that this danger can be effectively-controlled , which appears not to be the case , we oppose exploration ’ .
22 It appears not to be input-specific but may provide a generalized boost to impulse traffic .
23 The most satisfactory extrinsic marker is [ 3H ] thymidine which , due to the rapid cell cycle of early post-implantation embryonic cells , is quickly taken up by the vast majority of cells and appears not to be deleterious to development ( 25 ) .
24 Instances can be cited where this appears not to be the case : where prominence is due to other than literary considerations .
25 You hero can even be , like my Inspector Ghote of the Bombay C.I.D. , a figure who appears not to be a hero .
26 A /t/ which occurs before the recognition point must be used for the purposes of recognising the spoken word : but it appears not to be used for making phoneme-monitoring decisions , since monitoring latencies are related to the word 's recognition point , not to the point at which the target occurred .
27 It is instructive that this literature appears not to be well known within UK child care services .
28 All one can say is that discreet inquiries in the neighbourhood produced nothing , save to show that he certainly appears not to be in the flat now . "
29 Whenever difficulty is experienced in the course of business , such as dealing with a partner who appears not to be pulling his full weight or a developing personality clash between two partners , if the existing agreement proves inadequate to the task of resolving the dispute it should as a matter of priority be revised so that from then on it sufficiently deals with such matters in a way that takes account of the actual experience .
30 In addition , Anderson appears even more impolite when replying to the chairman because he appears not to be upholding the Co-operative Principle either , thus implicating his antipathy for the Colloquium .
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