Example sentences of "almost no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An arrangement between either major party and the Ulster Unionists , involving scrapping the Anglo-Irish agreement , finds almost no favour .
2 He is said to have been trying to get his ship into port in a force nine gale with almost no visibility — and guided by a pilot on shore .
3 Romanian politburo and central committee meetings have become empty rituals of automated applause , but almost no discussion .
4 The war-time ‘ khaki election ’ of 1900 returned the Conservatives almost entirely on their war record with almost no discussion of social questions .
5 The author also points out that her subject had almost no sense of humour or capacity for original thought , that she thirsted for power , and that ‘ Righteousness was what Annie earnestly desired for others … she felt no lack of it herself . ’
6 The realisation makes him , according to Pippin , ‘ sad but not unhappy ’ , and to modern English semantics the phrase makes almost no sense , like hopeless cheer .
7 They have a highly developed sense of national identity but almost no sense of responsibility towards the state they live in .
8 In fact , by this stage , the state Department knew that there was almost no country prepared to accept the Shah .
9 Thai society condemns almost no behaviour , except criticism of the royal family .
10 What is striking is that the responses bear almost no resemblance to the issues being discussed in the election campaign .
11 Indeed , the situation changed so swiftly that there is almost no resemblance between the political maps of Spain for 1000 and 1050 , or again between those covering the times of the birth and death of El Cid .
12 And the marriage that was being described was different from the one they had known , indeed bore almost no resemblance to it , and there was no-one to tell them this .
13 The imposition of a severe censorship and the sacking of all hostile editors ( there were almost no spetsy in the press ) immediately upon the seizure of power in October 191 7 had ensured its smooth running from the political and administrative point of view .
14 The room was a small , dark place with almost no furniture .
15 Indexing can thus be achieved at a detailed level , often including many terms per document , with almost no indexing effort .
16 Thus Betelgeux in Orion , one of the brightest stars in the sky , is clearly orange-red , but Mu Cephei , in the far north , shows almost no colour at all until you look at it with binoculars , when it gives the impression of a glowing coal , and earns its nickname of ‘ the Garnet Star ’ .
17 This patient 's verbal output consisted almost entirely of content words there were almost no function words and no grammatical structure .
18 It was in this context , and in almost no other , that Egyptian practice favoured the use of trusts : for Kreller , in his study of the law of the papyri , notes that with the exception of trust clauses there are very few instances of trusts in the papyri at all .
19 There was almost no money on course for the horse and the only serious cash , about £1,000 in a series of small bets , was placed in the Bradford area .
20 Admittedly there had been almost no money in it , but he took it as evidence that she was saving in order to leave him .
21 In the US , there was no intense Lockerbie-type investigation and almost no press interest .
22 Ground-level ozone , which has almost no contact with the ‘ ozone layer ; of the stratosphere , forms in ’ peaks ’ or ‘ episodes ’ , strongly influenced by sunshine .
23 The hotel is just around the corner , maybe a few corners , but almost no distance .
24 It consists of pretty much the same dishes found in simpler households , but will be made with more expensive ingredients , made smaller and more delicate , with almost no chilli , and served in particularly exquisite porcelain , silver and gold .
25 The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining .
26 Alas , Mr Shevardnadze speaks almost no English or French and may not want the job .
27 She spoke almost no English , and her voice was dubbed synchronously by Joan Barry .
28 It is astonishing , given the need for monitoring , that the Commission 's Sixth Report on the Completion of the Internal Market , published in June 1991 , makes almost no reference at all to the enforcement of provisions of the single market , and although there is an account showing which national parliaments have legislated on the directives , implementation at national level is only one side of the coin : the report does not address implementation at local level .
29 It is astonishing to think that in the forty-odd years after the invention of printing , no fewer than ninety-four editions came off the presses of Europe ; and that for four centuries there has been almost no year in which a new edition has not appeared in England .
30 Though , of course , there is almost no hope .
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