Example sentences of "almost the same " in BNC.

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1 We 're almost the same age , I 'm just a few months older .
2 Weirdly , but by a traceable line of descent through Unionism and Socialism , almost the same accents recur after thirty years : ‘ With the vast imperial resources which are the heritage of this country , the problems of poverty and want can easily be solved by a government empowered by the people to carry out their will .
3 When Eliot became a Christian in 1927 he declared that he found in reading Paul Elmer More , with whose Shelburne Essays he had shown familiarity in 1916 , the work of someone who had travelled by almost the same route , to virtually the same conclusions .
4 Keeping the length almost the same , he restructured the front with a textured cut for a more casual look .
5 There are similarities between National Socialism and Stalinism : the methods are almost the same , ’ the delegate added in an unusually frank contribution .
6 Given the poor publicity generated by the Soviet Union 's agricultural failings , it comes as something of a surprise to look at the statistics and see that the Soviet Union is still the world 's largest wheat producer , greater than the European Community ( which also made agricultural self-sufficiency a goal in its early years ) by about 10 million tons in 1989 , outstripping the United States and Canada , the world 's ‘ breadbasket ’ , by almost the same amount .
7 Almost the same age as her — Angie , I mean . ’
8 Americans , with whom the EC is arguing over farm subsidies in a struggling GATT round , spent almost the same amount ( $47 billion ) on government subsidies for farmers ; but , as consumers , they provided much less additional help — a mere $28 billion .
9 Since then blacks have got richer at almost the same rate as whites , but they have not caught up at all .
10 In the Jacob stories there is no explicit complaint , despite the fact that the brothers are twins , born at almost the same moment , and so reveal the unfairness of the privileges particularly clearly .
11 He already had an armful of flowers , star-shaped clusters almost the same shade as the sky above .
12 Contrary to Labour 's claims , the report said the proportion of national income spent on education is almost the same now ( 5.1 per cent ) as it was when the Conservatives came to power in 1979 ( 5.2 per cent ) .
13 Total capital expenditure , £852m in the 12 months to February , will be maintained at almost the same level in the current period .
14 Despite this it was found that in all three areas of Wales the amount of land owned was almost the same .
15 The wives felt most comfortable in dealing with paperwork and the number claiming no confidence was almost the same as those spending no time on paperwork .
16 Ships were built and repaired day and night ; over 200 aircraft carriers , almost the same number of cruisers , 34 mighty battleships .
17 Over a lifetime these two strategies yield almost the same number of offspring but an older male clearly needs the quicker success and he takes the greater risk .
18 It is strange , however , that Garrick did not subscribe for Leapor 's volumes , since at almost the same time he subscribed for the Irish bricklayer poet , Henry Jones , though this may have been done to please Chesterfield .
19 This is directly relevant to labouring class poetry : Robert Dodsley , later a footman , and John Bancks had both been weavers and their first works appeared at almost the same time as Stephen Duck 's .
20 There are , the article reveals , scientists who pad a reference list of their publications by publishing almost the same material in several journals , altering the title a bit , dropping a paragraph or adding one , or doing the same with a table or graph .
21 Cecily , Yvonne and I have determined that we are going to tour South Africa — following almost the same route as Merry Wives — with either the Ballet Club or , if they wo n't cooperate , we will form the South African National Ballet .
22 Their hats were of different colours but almost the same shape .
23 Gedge 's approach to stagecraft was largely to ignore all the rules and act almost the same way as he did off stage .
24 On the expenditure side , the fall from 1979 to 1983 was an even greater 0.7 per cent ; but the recovery to 1987 brought the percentage budget surplus back in the latter year to almost the same insignificant level obtaining in 1979 .
25 However , if you are carrying out skin-brushing ( which does almost the same job ) , the following simple self-massage sequence will be extremely beneficial and should be regarded as an important ally in any campaign against cellulite .
26 The Foreign Office accommodation , with the possible exception of the Foreign Secretary 's residence , would be almost the same as that laid down in the competition .
27 Gloucester Collection ( Gloucester ) In addition to numerous estate records , the collection includes the Dancey Gift of works relating to the county ( 225 volumes , more than 300 pamphlets , almost the same number of prints and paintings ) .
28 I found that a Parish Church could present almost the same problems as our Congregational ones .
29 ‘ Type L ’ isoleucine in the living organism and ‘ type D ’ isoleucine in the dead organism have almost the same chemical characters , but when they are hit by light they deflect it in different ways .
30 This is almost the same size as a conventional audio cassette .
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