Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 None the less , the consensus in the General Assembly will give Mr Perez de Cuellar scope to carry on behind-the-scenes negotiations with all sides in the conflict , to agree to a UN peace plan .
2 I 've gradually learned how to carry on casual yet animated extended greetings , including weather and work comments and the odd joke , even respectful clapping ( hand to shoulder ) while pedalling past .
3 It affects us directly — a balanced diet means we have the necessary energy to carry on living life to the full .
4 As for the branches , it is perhaps invidious to focus upon a chosen few since in some places merely to carry on unheralded was a considerable triumph .
5 I find it difficult to understand how they are going to carry on experimental work at other depots that are n't really equipped to carry out experimental work , and so for that reason , I mean , there 's a great deal of concern that these cuts are n't rather more cosmetic that they 've been made out to be .
6 The University Labour Federation had been allowed to carry on active propaganda for Unity after being threatened with disaffiliation .
7 Certain restrictions on competition are allowed in co-operative R&D ventures , including an obligation not to carry on independent R&D in the same field as the cooperative venture ( or to enter into R&D agreements with third parties in the R&D field assigned to the joint venture ) , and the inclusion of limited territorial protection clauses restricting some of the production and marketing activities of other participants .
8 Both Bomber Command and the American Air Forces were concentrating on oil refineries and synthetic petroleum plants as well as the usual railway marshalling yards and arms factories all over France and western Germany in order to enable the invading armies to carry on advancing , but air losses were heavy .
9 The white man 's burden had to be carried on strong backs .
10 But Japan Air Lines ( JAL ) experienced only a 3.5% drop in the number of passengers carried on international routes in the year to March 31st .
11 The number of passengers carried on international flights quadrupled between 1960 and 1970 , and quadrupled again ( to 4.2 million ) between 1970 and 1988 .
12 Each section of the deck of the road is carried on sliding bearings , to allow for expansion of the sections .
13 The blooms are carried on long stalks and are over an inch across .
14 The two main additional floors are largely carried on new masonry crosswalls which are , in turn , carried on their own new strip-footing foundations .
15 Although in the oases they made gardens , perhaps even carried on other spare-time occupations , they were forbidden to trade and did not have the time to be truck drivers .
16 R. rugosa has enormous glossy red hips , surpassed only by those of R. moyesii ‘ Geranium ’ , which are carried on graceful arching stems .
17 Of the three windows , the large central one is carried on carved figures , an unusual design , which has much in common with the façade at Spoleto Cathedral , of similar date , but with a later porch in front .
18 Solid silver is extremely heavy , so these were carried on ceremonial occasions by huge men from a special clan on the Indian side of the border .
19 He nodded towards a statue of the Virgin Mary which was being carried on high .
20 Certain work that was carried out involved noisy operations and the programme was carefully coordinated with the hotel administration to minimise disruption and inconvenience .
21 Students have carried out small empirical investigations using tape recorders , video equipment and various forms of interviewing and observational techniques — objective and non-objective , structured and unstructured .
22 Until now testing has been carried out prior to major events , such as the World Cup ; the new plan will build on the success of the original programme and , as both Palmer and MacKinnon noted , will provide the younger players will an incentive and standards that must be met if they want to win full international caps .
23 Ship interiors were specially insulated to combat the problem and an operation similar to degaussing was carried out prior to docking with other vessels .
24 In addition to the normal diversion of public utility services in Lasswade Road and Gilmerton Road involving the Water and Drainage Department , SSEB and British Telecom , a major diversion of overhead power lines was carried out prior to the start of the roadworks contract .
25 The ministry of agriculture has carried out successful trials on the new tests but says the government has yet to make a final decision on wether to fully adopt the new system .
26 The Guild of British Tie Makers has carried out extensive research into tie wearing and has discovered that , far from being viewed as a current trend , the tie is considered an essential item in a man 's wardrobe .
27 To understand what IS happening in the Royal Family , TODAY has carried out extensive research .
28 Dunn ( 1983 ; 1984 ) in Cambridge has carried out extensive observations of sibling relationships and the effects of general family functioning of the arrival of a new baby .
29 Today it is the home of Malcom and Gwynneth Hearne who have carried out extensive restoration work .
30 Drummond also carried out extensive tests to improve the efficiency of his locomotives .
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