Example sentences of "carry [pers pn] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The law protected farmers living near subsistence level who needed something to carry them over from one harvest to the next , especially if the harvest had been bad .
2 Females , then , could have more babies than the apes could have , because they would n't have to carry them around looking for food .
3 Why do I have to carry them around — why ca n't I just remember them ?
4 The most extreme way of protecting them is for the mother to carry them around within her own body .
5 Contestants need hundreds of points to carry them off , but are lucky to get into double figures !
6 One of the oddities of the situation since her ‘ descent ’ was that most of her clothes had remained in the cupboards upstairs , she had felt unable to go and fetch them , and evidently the other two had felt too embarrassed to carry them down , or perhaps had simply not noticed the problem .
7 If people got seriously ill , we had to carry them back ( to Thai border camps ) in hammocks . ’
8 ( Picks up bowl containing tablecloths to carry them back . )
9 I am hoping that you will observe that I have fetched in enough buckets of coal this afternoon to spare you having to carry them in tomorrow .
10 We could make a grotto if we had a sack to carry them in . ’
11 Should of bought most of our Christmas pres and a holdall to carry them in .
12 ‘ The IAAF must urgently review the situation , for when you make your rules you have to carry them out to the letter of the law .
13 A number of these jobs , especially those involving stock , required two persons to carry them out and this could be a problem on the family farm .
14 You can have the greatest ideas in the world for improving competitive edge , but you have to rely on other people to carry them out , from senior managers down to labourers . ’
15 The planning of operations by those who are going to carry them out , obviates delay and misunderstandings which happen to be caused by intermediate stages , and makes for the speed of execution which in any operation of this kind is an incalculable asset .
16 The proposed regulation has been widely — and fairly — criticised for being generous in its gestures of environmental concern and for conservation , but lacking in the provision of specific means to carry them out .
17 Workers who can be exposed to excessively cold weather conditions have not only to know about survival measures during over-exposure , but be able and willing to carry them out .
18 Here then is an act that combines humility and repentance and stands along with baptism and communion as heavily symbolic ceremonies which require simple elements to carry them out .
19 But he feels that he 's completely justified in lying , cheating and evading bills in order to carry them out .
20 If ‘ higher authorities ’ are prohibiting the changes you want , or starving you of resources to carry them out , then life is made even more difficult and frustrating , and energy has to be put into challenging these constraints and/or finding ways round them .
21 In Berkshire a working group of advisers and head teachers has produced a draft document summarising the duties imposed by the 1981 Education Act , the help and resources available to enable governors to carry them out , and specimens of statutory returns .
22 If not , the logic of the threats made so far is that bombing must follow ; threats may have been unwise , but it would be even less wise to make them and fail to carry them out .
23 The service elements of the job fall into two categories — those that are routine and mundane and do not need a doctor to carry them out , and those that are essentially the front line services for health delivery in our hospitals .
24 In a good organization the objectives that have to be achieved are decided with considerable interaction between those who are going to carry them out , and those who ultimately have the responsibility for the leadership of the enterprise .
25 Military organizations possess hierarchical structures ; senior officers at the apex of a pyramid issue commands which are relayed down to those who are obliged to carry them out .
26 That has never been seen as a constituent of self regulation , and I doubt whether any government would be willing to divert so many responsibilities already assigned to other existing bodies ( for example , the Medical Research Council and the Committee on Safety of Medicines ) — better qualified to carry them out — and concentrate them in the GMC alone under the sole control of the profession .
27 Although such measures had been and were still attacked , by the COS for example , for discouraging parental responsibility , it was equally arguable that they strengthened such responsibilities by making it possible for poor families to carry them out .
28 They allow for cross-referencing and can provide you with a ready guide to your goals and the tasks you need to do to carry them out .
29 They were heavy , and Ben Hesketh would need help to carry them out to his car .
30 In other words , the repatriations of the Yugoslavs should continue ; the methods being used to carry them out were found to be " satisfactory " as an alternative to the " use of force " , and this was now a matter of full agreement between Eighth Army and AFHQ .
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