Example sentences of "view of the " in BNC.

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1 They have undermined long-cherished views of the writer or artist as a unique individual creating in the image of divine creation ( in an unbroken chain that links father and son as in Michelangelo 's God reaching towards Adam in the Sistine Chapel frescoes ) , and the work of art as reducible to a single ‘ true meaning ’ …
2 This will result in the book evading the task of art criticism altogether , though the critical views of the artist may be recorded .
3 And the bar on which they stood had evolved from a simple counter or hatch to something approaching the form we know today : in his Encyclopaedia of Cottage , Farm and Villa Architecture of 1833 J C Loudon described the ideal bar ( the place ‘ from which all orders are issued ’ ) as being ‘ of some size ’ , with ‘ commanding views of the front entrance hall and back entrance ’ .
4 This concept has , however , been ruined by the introduction of a bar overhang with secondary lighting which obscure views of the back-bar display .
5 One story of how a local university academic had come into the police station to report his car missing , because he had forgotten where he had parked it , was repeated with relish ; while another which I told on my return from university satisfied these deeply held views of the ‘ intellectual 's ’ practical ineptitude :
6 This is now so widely accepted that it seems less like a theory , or even a theoretical framework , than a piece of common sense ; and in one form or another it encompasses the views of the majority of Anglo-American philosophers and neuroscientists about the basis of consciousness or , at the very least , of perception .
7 This is a research report after a study looking at Attendance Allowance claimants ' views of the medical examination they underwent .
8 To its opponents , who often complain that the Roman Catholic Church gives SPUC an unfair advantage — an automatic communication network — it is quick to point to the feminist movement , trade union affiliations and Labour Party pro-abortion campaigns which it says ignore the views of the membership .
9 And there are two views of the money numbers , even among monetarists .
10 It may therefore be possible to reconcile the views of the opposing schools of thought by regarding global standardisation as the ultimate objective when substantial economies of scale are available but which may need to be modified in the context of the product concerned .
11 In 1917 the Belorussian National Committee , a hotchpotch of indecisive and divided intellectuals , eventually mustered sufficient unity to send demands to Petrograd , only to be nullified by the differing views of the Petrograd- and Moscow-based Belorussian groups ( intimations of those wider cultural and political differences between the twin capitals which are taken up in a later chapter ) .
12 The Way then leads to Langstrothdale over to Oughtershaw and carries on to cross a section of the Pennine Way , giving fine views of the Three Peaks en route .
13 In the Labour party , as in the TUC , the policy to impose a 5 per cent norm had provoked much fury , and the party conference in October heavily rejected the policy , even though Callaghan and Healey made it clear that they would ignore the views of the delegates .
14 This offers physiotherapy and occupational therapy facilities to all residents and also provides a beautiful sun lounge with views of the South Downs .
15 A light , airy sun lounge with delightful views of the garden and South Downs greatly improves the quality of life for the residents .
16 The review is important for the future of the Association and we hope that the process of wide consultation will lead to recommendations based on a considered analysis of the needs and views of the membership .
17 The professor was asked out to preach in mining parishes ; and he discovered that , despite the views of the Bishop of Lincoln and the teenagers of St Benet 's that he was unintelligible in a pulpit , he could feel them hanging on his words .
18 In the Waste Land which Eliot eventually produced , the pain of personal resuscitations persists , but that pain is bodied forth using a structure of ideas that results from the coming together in Eliot 's mind of various views of the savage and city .
19 In The Use of Poetry we see how by a reworking of his earlier , anthropologically inspired stress on poets as connected to the primitive man , Eliot adapted nineteenth-century views of the poet 's task and brought them into his own later poetry .
20 Námafjall is a yellow mountain , offer ( to those of no nose ) stupendous views of the whole Mývatn area .
21 Camping high , between the huts , we enjoyed insect-freeing breezes and spectacular night views of the midnight sun .
22 They appear in the documents section and therefore do not , we may take it , represent the views of the editors .
23 And , as a result , how far does the Crown Appointments Commission reflect the views of the Church in making its recommendations ?
24 It is on this point that the views of the SACP and some Soviet policymakers divide .
25 Inside , the drawing-room and dining-room are of different shapes , with long windows angled deliberately to catch the two main views of the estuary .
26 ‘ Och well , John , there 's not a lot else to do up there in winter , ’ he had observed , radically changing McLeish 's views of the activities available to schoolchildren in country districts .
27 The views of the Foreign , Commonwealth Relations , and Colonial Offices were sought on the security of tenure that British forces were likely to enjoy in territories East of Suez ; but in the late 1950s there was no consensus on the probable speed with which Britain 's dependent territories would advance to independence .
28 But my windows commanded charming views of the city .
29 If all the data are initially entered into a computer database , the power of a database management system makes it easy to present different views of the data to the researcher , allowing more subtle and complex associations to emerge .
30 Within every institution ( and indeed , individual ) may be found the polarised views of the pedant and the pragmatist .
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