Example sentences of "stand on this " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure sir you 're you 're not expecting me to make a a major contribution to this particular debate , but I felt that your the , various comments have been made around the table which would make it exactly clear where the Department stands on this issue .
2 As a man , a white , a heterosexual , from a capitalist country , the country she tried to free , I have no right , you may think , to stand on this platform , but I gladly do so in order to salute her .
3 It was glorious to stand on this lonely cliff and hear the strange cries of the wheeling gulls , and watch the green waves curling in and out of the caves far below .
4 ‘ If we was into that shit , you would n't be able to stand on this corner with us like this , you 'd get killed , ’ points out one former member , who declines to identify himself .
5 To stand on this dusky wharf , bruised by a drum of creosote , and acting not even as the convent chaplain , but as some kind of school attendance officer !
6 Patten/Lawley : You have about 30 seconds Mr Kinnock to tell them why you wo n't say where you stand on this as the other leaders do .
7 He had a peculiar way of dismounting — instead of putting his right leg over the saddle in the usual fashion , he used to put his left leg on a step protruding from the rear spindle , stand on this and gently place his right leg to the ground .
8 exactly where I stand on this !
9 ( Students may like to consider where they stand on this issue . )
10 Where does the Government stand on this ?
11 In the light of that , I am not clear where the Labour party will stand on this aspect of the Bill when we debate its Second Reading next Tuesday .
12 He was standing on this big silver pyramid where the stage was .
13 Otherwise we would n't be standing on this deck right now . ’
14 Slippy Block — Standing on this one sends you sliding in the direction of the pointers .
15 There 's the ‘ I 'm so fat I could be a turkey ’ type of robin ; the ‘ Is n't there more to life than standing on this stupid twig ’ robin ; and , the special favourite , the robin with the ‘ How come the cattle always get to go in the stable ? ’ look .
16 ‘ Like I said , I 'm fortunate to be here , standing on this beautiful beach talking to you .
17 I looked through the bedroom and this chap was standing on this Mini , jumping up and down .
18 And even if someone from another age is standing on this spot , a ghostly paintbrush in her hand , her eyes would n't see what I see .
19 In pre-railway times there is no record of a pub , so it seems some entrepreneur witnessed passengers standing on this blasted corner and decided he could profitably offer them shelter and spirits .
20 in Trafalgar Square , central London ; a church has stood on this site since at least the thirteenth century .
21 For centuries a Royal Mile eating and drinking house has stood on this site .
22 It was two years since I had stood on this spot on the way from Tan Hill to Hawes ; then the force had been a sluggish trickle after a dry spring , now , two years later almost to the day , it was a respectable torrent .
23 A house has stood on this site since the year 1216 , when the Bishop of Lincoln ordained a vicarage here , but it has been rebuilt over and over again , and last of all in 1856 .
24 The church of St. John the Baptist has stood on this site for at least I 200 years but at what date the Christian religion first came to Halling we can only guess .
25 Colleagues , since nineteen eighty one , we have stood on this platform and denounced C C T , compulsive competitive tendering , because it was the start of low paid temporary workers .
26 got talking about Sun readers , there was this girl and she , she was stood on this podium and she , she 's talking to The Express and The Guardian and going like that and their taking photographs of her and then you sort of pan round , the camera pans round and you 've got The Star and the Sun going like that fucking its really funny , The Sun and The Star in it
27 My mind cast back to the winter of last November when I stood on this same platform awaiting the arrival of a new intake .
28 The nine years that had elapsed since she last stood on this spot could have been a dream .
30 A farmhouse probably stood on this site at the time of the Great Plague .
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