Example sentences of "stand with one " in BNC.

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1 He entered the terminal building , then returned to stand with one hand on his haunch , the other sheltering his eyes to the right , then the left , where Delia Sutherland was sitting on her suitcase , unaccountably invisible to him .
2 You can prove this for yourself : stand with one leg off the ground so that you are balanced on one leg , and then just close your eyes .
3 So pressing his camera to my eye I tried to focus on this tanned , happy man , standing with one boot over the edge of a 200- or 300-foot drop , and the other on the edge of thin air .
4 Instead of meandering up a path to the top , chatting amicably to a pal about how George Michael used to be good in Wham and passing round the butterscotch , they choose a cliff and try to reach the summit by slowly inching their way up vertical rock , pushing their fingers into tiny fissures and standing with one toe on a ledge the size of a pebble .
5 She said they did everything in teams , for the honour , and what was the good of that , when she could leave them all standing with one arm tied behind her back ?
6 ‘ Possibly , ’ said Sixsmith , who was half standing with one hand awkwardly dipped into his inside pocket .
7 Wycliffe was standing with one arm resting on the counter , gazing at the freckled man whose sparse red hair was combed in streaks across his skull .
8 He was watching her intently , standing with one hand on the back of a chair , looking perfectly relaxed , but it was the deceptive ease of a panther and could change in a flash .
9 She thought that although she might one day be able to accept this stupid time hiccup , she would never ever come to terms with these brief glimpses into another world ; as though a door had opened and closed and that , for a moment , she had stood with one foot on either side of the threshold .
10 When she did n't reply I crossed the room , stood with one hand on the back of her chair and watched her turn pages of colour plates of patchwork quilts .
11 Prussia in the 1820s and 1830s stood with one foot in the feudal , agricultural past and the other foot in the new age of industry .
12 Delaney stood with one foot on the hull of the craft that looked as if it owed more to space technology than to marine engineering .
13 Half a tree trunk surrounded with logs crackled and flamed , warming his backside as he stood with one hand lifting the flap of his jacket .
14 The girl pulled herself from the mattress and stood with one hand on her hip , in an aggressive pose .
15 Or rather ’ — he stood with one hand in his blazer pocket , squinting only a little — ‘ the guest of Mr Kettering . ’
16 She climbed on the desk above him , and stood with one leg either side of his stomach .
17 Dusting his hands , Peter stood with one foot on the parapet of the wall , which was about ten inches wide , made of long flat slabs of stone .
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