Example sentences of "stand or [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Since her torture she has been unable to stand or walk .
2 If you do get heated , agree with each other to stand or sit far enough apart not to be able to push or shove .
3 It would be tedious to quote more than a few examples of the evidence from parliamentary commissions , the STC , union reports and surveys etc. , but the following quotations are typical : " About the only work which the women can do is to stand or sit at their formes and set up type ; and to distribute the types back again into the cases , but of course this is only a portion of a compositor 's work " ( an employer ) ; " " As far as mere type-lifting is concerned , she may do , but there is other rough work in connection with compositors " work which I do not think a woman is qualified for " ( a union leader ) ; " Women … get the best , i. e. the simplest jobs … they are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work " ( an employer ) .
4 ( iii ) Persons shall not be permitted to stand or sit in any of the gangways intersecting the seating or to sit in any of the other gangways .
5 There are several types … some suitable for use by a wheelchair user and others simply for people to stand or use a seat .
6 Most of the ‘ congregation ’ [ he said it in such a way that it merited being put in inverted commas ] do not know how to behave , when to stand or kneel , how to express their grief .
7 ‘ I am willing to stand or fall on this one , ’ he had said — but when he was proved wrong he did not fall , he rose yet higher .
8 The CEGB 's case is likely to stand or fall on the economics of the project .
9 There have to be some standards but a track record is more important than spending three weekends away being taught something you already know , and I 'm quite happy to stand or fall on my personal record .
10 The storyline was always going to stand or fall by the performance of Tim Guinee as Lazar .
11 He could n't stand or walk alone and the muscle in his leg had withered badly .
12 I always had to pay a nurse to look after her ; she wasted away , could n't stand or walk , but her eyes were as bright as a child 's and so was her wit .
13 He ca n't stand or walk without help .
14 The children then have the fun of squeezing themselves and toys inside the shelter and comparisons arise as to how many children can sit , stand or lie down .
15 When she came to Calvary , ‘ she fell down because she could not stand or kneel , and rolled and wrested with her body , spreading her arms abroad ’ , because she had a vision , or hallucination , of the Crucifixion .
16 No matter how well intentioned an author may be , no matter how good his work is considered , a lavish photographic book of this kind , and of this price , must stand or fall on the sheer quality of the pictures selected and the way in which they are presented .
17 There must be many who are touched to the heart by that phrase ‘ earthly father ’ and yet who do n't believe a word of the novel 's religion ; just as , and more obviously , Raskolnikov 's kissing the dirt in the middle of the Haymarket does n't stand or fall by Dostoevsky 's Soil Philosophy .
18 Milken refused to play the game of domino justice , so the case against him will stand or fall on its own merits .
19 Mr Karimov knows that he will stand or fall on his ability to stave off economic collapse .
20 But the argument must stand or fall on its merits .
21 But the ordination of women does not stand or fall on that , rather it is related back to our understanding of God and of men and women created and redeemed in that image .
22 With respect to a concept of orthogenesis the validity of internally direction evolution does not stand or fall on what various specialists such as molecular biologists , have to offer .
23 God does not need to find out whether we will stand or fall .
24 Which could be seen as a good thing ; after all , in the eyes of sceptical guitarists the GR-1 could stand or fall on its immediate user-friendly appeal .
25 MAKING TRACKS This month 's Making Tracks goes behind the closed doors of the record industry for an intriguing glimpse inside the minds of the A&R men and women of the business , those people on whose whim your musical career could stand or fall
26 It seems that this is a case that will stand or fall on its own particular facts .
27 It is extremely important at this stage to take unlimited amounts of time and trouble , as the success of your design will stand or fall by the way in which it is finished .
28 The success of the new News at Ten will stand or fall on his relationship with the seven million plus viewers .
29 After the fiasco of the EDC , the French National Assembly was generally regarded as being the place where the Treaty of Rome would stand or fall , particularly as the Fourth Republic was entering its final prolonged crisis , with ever weaker governments struggling to survive .
30 For the government , acceptance of central planning did not stand or fall on the issue of nationalisation .
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