Example sentences of "stand [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm just going to wipe out everyone who stands between me and whoever 's running this place .
2 Moreover , Unix System Labs and Novell Inc are believed to be antagonistic and resentful of UI if for no other reason than it stands between them and their OEM customers .
3 Not that what I say makes any difference , because these two are still eyeing each other like welterweights at the weigh-in , and Darius stands between them like a referee .
4 LIGHT BULBS are a symbol of all that stands between us and the greenhouse effect .
5 If a negated conjunct is really necessary in some condition , then the standard trick is to introduce a new predicate which stands for it .
6 MacLachlan successfully obtained through Milton 's aid a delay in a foreclosure by the Royal Bank , and the freeholder hoped to persuade the politician to continue to stand between him and his creditors because of the value of his vote to the Argyll interest , arguing that
7 Fergus had fallen back across the table and Taliesin and Fribble both moved to stand between him and the Lad .
8 Though this may sound childish — and I was in fact childish in many ways , as young women are who have never had to shift for themselves but have always had someone to stand between them and the world — it did , in fact , help me to behave better to Nonni , who was not stupid at all in matters of feeling , and easy to hurt .
9 It had already dawned on the girl that , from this moment on , she was on her own , and that there was nobody to stand between her and whatever might be devised for her in the future .
10 Unfortunately Nut began to suffer from vertigo so Re provided pillars to hold her up and instructed Shu , the air , to stand between her and the earth .
11 I 've told you , he 's got this mania for her : not only would he take us to court but … but I think he 'd kill anybody who dared to stand between her and him .
12 ‘ The idea I have in view whilst I make the demonstration ’ may be of a particular right-angled triangle with sides of a certain length , but I may , nevertheless , be sure that it holds of all right-angled triangles if , by not mentioning the ways in which it differs from them , I use this one to stand for them all .
13 I was n't going to stand for it anyway .
14 She decided then and there that she was not going to stand for it .
15 ROS : ( Near tears ) I 'm not going to stand for it !
16 She just is n't going to stand for it .
17 She did n't have to stand for it !
18 In 1924 , two Labour candidates stood unopposed in the Stamford municipal election and this prompted Leese and fellow Fascist Henry L. Simpson , an engineer , to stand against them .
19 Well , there 's never been a man to stand against me and see another day ! ’
20 She felt the hard wood press against her back and buttocks , as she was forced to stand against it .
21 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
22 Where the latter have rejected other gods in favour of the one they wish to follow , the former has attempted to assimilate the many gods in which it believes into a single Deity who stands behind them as their ground .
23 The aim behind this use of the Commissioner 's name is twofold : to give assisted persons more assurance that the Commissioner stands behind them in the proceedings , and to increase public awareness of the grant of assistance and of the Commissioner .
24 if there are if there are other restrictions then I say section fourteen is automatically void in it 's entirety because it reinforces , it has to be independent effect of reinforcing the other restrictions it stands behind them boosting them on
25 As one former NVA officer put it , ‘ in terms of the purely military situation , when the commander stands behind me , I have to shoot .
26 Should we say ‘ An experience which stands behind it ’ ?
27 ‘ Yeah , well , ’ Andy says , coming to stand near me and look out over the water .
28 He waved us across the room to stand behind him .
29 Is he to stand behind her , to take her right hand in his right and to lift it over her head while their clasped left hands stretch sideways before they move swiftly and diagonally into an allement ?
30 I get this real strong urge to stand behind her and put my arms round her and give her a hug , but I do n't move .
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