Example sentences of "nothing more than " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is very interesting , ’ she said , ‘ but I 'm afraid that it is nothing more than a performance .
2 And you can manufacture bucketfuls of this marvellous stuff from nothing more than kitchen waste .
3 Yet there is a deeper , yet more exultant sense of the delights of love , of its mellifluous sensuality , in this second book than in the first ; though Scobie overstates his case when he claims it as ‘ nothing more than a joyous celebration ( of love ) richly seasoned . ’
4 If that is what is intended , the objector would say , then constructivism is nothing more than a kind of behaviourism ( another attempt to replace the mental by the behavioural ) ; or perhaps we might lump it together with Marxist attempts to ‘ resolve ’ the mind-body problem in terms of ‘ praxis ’ .
5 ‘ Such people , ’ I continue aloud , ‘ who are rendered suspect of nothing more than their swarthiness , are repulsive in their manifestation of a sinister attraction .
6 As she walked from the post office empty handed , she pretended to be an American tourist , one who could leave in a few days , one for whom the trip would soon be nothing more than a few travel stories and postcards .
7 a chivalric Don Quixote figure of absolute non-compromise in matters ( as he sees them ) of virtue and truth , in effect an overspill from The Idiot — which Dostoevsky seems to have recognized , for he abandoned the positive and sublime venture , and hived off the comic material he had accumulated into the drunken buffoon Captain Lebyadkin who grows into a substantial second-rank character in The Possessed ; , and as to Kartuzov , the novelist left us with nothing more than his cappy surname .
8 Heat is nothing more than energy of atoms in motion , so if you can slow down atoms , you are in effect cooling them .
9 That Saints managed to cause an upset with nothing more than direct running and honest endeavour , bodes well for Great Britain , though the Kiwis can not be expected to enter the Test arena in such a generous mood .
10 From Britain , Hitler wanted nothing more than neutrality .
11 Nigel Profitt , 21 , of Erdington , Birmingham , and three other City supporters , were told by John Pryce , chairing a magistrates ' court hearing yesterday : ‘ You are nothing more than looters .
12 RAI protests that this amounts to a colossal waste of money since it previously acquired Eurovision rights for nothing more than the duty of reciprocal access to material from Italy .
13 People will nevertheless say that the desire is for nothing more than alcohol .
14 Even so , at the end , Irish were a enjoying a romp to hearten supporters who love nothing more than spirit and graft .
15 The official ADN news agency said that Mr Honecker told the visiting Chinese Deputy Prime Minister , Yao Yilin : ‘ Any attempt by imperialism to destabilise socialist construction , and slander its achievements , is now and in the future nothing more than Don Quixote 's futile charge against the steadily turning sails of a windmill . ’
16 The Jew is nothing more than a popular villain ( bear in mind that Marlowe had just had a success with The Jew Of Malta ) .
17 The fundamental strength of the Libertarian Ideal consists of nothing more than the proud assertion that freedom is an end-product that people value .
18 It is by no means unheard of for a band to be offered a deal on nothing more than a ‘ concept ’ .
19 Perhaps the manifest intrinsic contusions which surface in each of the foregoing theories are enough to write them oft , and to show how the same/different metaphysic is nothing more than a potently confused , highly discriminating mixed metaphor .
20 Now this emphasis on focusing and honing everything right down to its simplest form can sound a bit like naked capitalism , treating rock ‘ n ’ roll as nothing more than a game .
21 It was a tiny place — nothing more than a shop knocked through from the street at ground level , no more than 60 feet long At one end was a small bar — from which we sold orange juices on top of the counter with the booze tucked away underneath .
22 Him apart though it was pretty much all no-hopers — nothing more than a total waste of time and a convenient way for Paul to take the pressure off himself .
23 The first stage however remains nothing more than an extrapolation from the overall pattern of evolution Morgan believed he had discovered .
24 Using nothing more than precision machining methods , and without any change to dimensions or specifications , small machine tool maker Leland and Faulconer increased engine output by 23 per cent .
25 Flying in the face of today 's ubiquitous electronickery , the turbocharger uses nothing more than a simple spring-loaded wastegate to regulate boost , which is never allowed to build too high in deference to the engine 's life expectancy .
26 It takes a slippery road to make the Volvo wag its tail ; over-exuberance with the throttle otherwise does nothing more than make the inside rear wheel spin the power away .
27 But when she 's at home , Sue Lawley loves nothing more than getting down to some old-fashioned housework
28 Diana was nothing more than a schoolgirl , unworldly in the extreme .
29 Then , he had been quite amused and content to joke about being nothing more than a flower bearer , but he was not so happy when it became a regular occurrence .
30 They may have felt a degree of excitement as they turned their cameras on a train arriving at a station , waves crashing on the beach , or a group of workers emerging from their daily grind in the factory , but these early pieces of reportage were seen as nothing more than ‘ animated photographs ’ , a further step in the development of photography .
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