Example sentences of "meet the [adj] " in BNC.

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61 Yours is one case I will always remember not for the large number of witnesses , but for the meeting of a man who right from the first impressed his lawyers with his innocence a conviction that grew and grew the more that one went into the case and met the many people who knew Andy Beattie so well . ’
62 Other companies , in sectors where the opportunities for technological change were greater , met the increasing competition by introducing more automation into their production processes .
63 She paused , feeling a shiver work its way down her spine as she met the black eyes that were regarding her so closely now .
64 To cut a long story short — and I 'd be glad to give the details to anyone who wants — it was in Moers that our force met the Communist Party leadership of the Ruhr .
65 Below her , tucked into a natural bowl where a lush green valley met the aquamarine of the Atlantic Ocean , nestled the tiny fishing village of Praia do Carvoeiro .
66 President Blaise Compaore met the general secretaries of 42 political groupings on Jan. 7 for discussions preliminary to convening of a National Reconciliation Forum .
67 Most of the students investigated in this study were non-traditional in that they either possessed qualifications which met the general entrance requirements of the institution but had been gained them in non-traditional ways ( i.e. by other than full time attendance at secondary school ) , or they did not meet the requirement but had other qualifications or evidence of attainment acceptable to the institution in question .
68 The authors show that unqualified mature students in their study had some educational or professional qualification and just over half ( 51% ) met the General Entrance Requirement of their particular university .
69 The sight that met the young housewife 's eyes was appalling .
70 She never met any men until she met the young man whom I can not think of as my father .
71 It was in the rose gardens that Annie McCafferty met the young ex-boxer one fine , crisp morning when the buds were appearing and trees were coming into leaf .
72 At this time she met the young ( Sir ) Edwin Lutyens [ q.v. ] , also a native of West Surrey , and together they drove around the narrow lanes in her dogcart , sketching and photographing details that appealed to them : a buttressed wall , a patterned chimney , the angle of a building which , although the result of chance , was pleasing in design .
73 He never met the young air force crew , never even saw them , yet he has never forgotten them either .
74 Michael Fallon ( Con ) and Peter Bergg ( Lib Dem ) yesterday met the young men who will be arguing their policies at the school hustings .
75 But you just do your job ’ Severin Carrell recalls his visit to The Royal Scots in Ulster during which he met the young Scottish soldier who on Wednesday became the province 's 3,045th victim
76 And as she met the dark gaze of Guido Falcone , her breath caught as though a fist had connected with her solar plexus .
77 The visit completes a number of exchanges which began after General Yazov met the former US Defence Secretary , Frank Carlucci , in Switzerland last year .
78 These flaps gradually grew larger until they met the nasal and became a single sheet of metal , with slits to allow vision and holes for breathing .
79 The actual reasons for the popularity ( albeit relatively short-lived ) of the high-rise phase are many : it was architecturally fashionable ; it may have suited municipal prestige ; it answered immediate problems of increasing density as the big cities ran out of building land within their own boundaries ; and it met the spurious argument about saving agricultural land ( mounted by the farming lobby and the Conservative-dominated shire counties ) .
80 President Ion Iliescu met the Soviet Moldavian president , Mircea Snegur , in Bucharest on June 20 , when the two agreed to prepare a political treaty on relations between the two Romanian-speaking Moldavian cultures .
81 He said he was with a US Army unit that met the Soviet soldiers who had captured the German fuhrer 's bunker in April 1945 .
82 Then she disappeared , until Jane opened the airing cupboard and met the unblinking gaze of Fluff and Titch side by side on the blankets .
83 I recently met the Japanese Keidanren when they visited this country , and I reassured them that the Government continue to welcome and support Japanese investment in this country .
84 Kaysone Phomvihane , Chairman of the Council of Ministers and LPRP general secretary , on Nov. 8 , 1989 , on the second day of a five-day visit to Japan , met the Japanese Prime Minister , Toshiki Kaifu .
85 President Roh Tae Woo made a three-day official visit to Japan on May 24-26 , during which he met the Japanese Prime Minister , Toshiki Kaifu , and Emperor Akihito .
86 On Oct. 25 Genscher met the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev , and on Oct. 26 President Gorbachev and the Soviet Foreign Minister , Boris Pankin .
87 Canosa met the Russian Foreign Minister , Andrei Kozyrev , and claimed on Dec. 27 that the Russian government intended to end Cuba 's lifeline of economic subsidies and to speed up the withdrawal of Russian troops as part of its new policy towards Cuba .
88 T. B. Panabokke , when Police Magistrate at Matale , was also suspicious : ‘ The usual evidence was that so-and-so lost his animal and that two or three people at different places , when they went to turn water to their fields , met the accused driving the animals away .
89 Held to coincide with May Day ( celebrated elsewhere in the capital by some 5,000 people ) , the 2,000-strong congress met the violent opposition of left-wingers who protested at the various anti-Semitic , nationalist , conservative Catholic , and free-market views of the participants .
90 The Althorps first met the extrovert university-educated entrepreneur and his artist wife , Janet Munro Kerr at a dinner party in London .
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