Example sentences of "lead them into " in BNC.

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1 Because they worked for large , modern firms , the state was closely involved with their employers , which meant their industrial grievances led them into conflict with the state .
2 He led them into the mortuary , and pulled the sheet back from the body of the girl .
3 He led them into a room overlooking an attractive courtyard , with a paved area surrounded by shrubs .
4 But travellers in Latin America in the early twentieth century found there stations which led them into rhapsodies of praise .
5 Kings led them into battle for the land ( e.g. 2 Kings 8 ) and prophets pointed them to a righteousness that would bring them to a new highway , a land where mountains would be levelled , rough places smoothed ( Is. 40.4 ) , and the Prince of Peace would establish his kingdom .
6 Their critical comments about Marxism-Leninism led them into confrontation with the college authorities , who failed to bring the students back into line .
7 Perhaps even more than in the case of energising Anglican evangelical clergymen like William Marsh , in the ranks of evangelical nonconformity the powerful leadership of some ministers shaped the attitudes of chapel communities and led them into collaboration across denominational and church/chapel lines .
8 He then led them into the Catherine Palace , once more brandishing his authority whenever an official came forward to stop them .
9 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
10 A pack leader saw the police in hot pursuit , called six Sturmabteilungen to him and led them into the stadium .
11 He led them into the kitchen , chatting to Blanche and Dexter as if they were house guests rather than police officers who had come to interview him about a murder .
12 Lady Macleod received the travellers in ‘ a stately dining-room ’ , fed them and led them into the drawing-room for tea to meet the family .
13 ‘ We are a scientific community , ’ he said as he led them into a dismal cavernous hall , ‘ and also a spiritual one . ’
14 He led them into a small , more comfortable room behind the great hall where a fire burnt in the canopied hearth ; it was cosier and not so forbidding , with its wood-panelled walls and high-backed chairs arranged in a semi-circle around the hearth .
15 Now that those people have run up those enormous debts , where are the Labour Members of Parliament who led them into that position ?
16 The then politicians led them into battle without the right equipment and without a proper defence agreement .
17 Flunkeys led them into a private part of La Noblesse where they were warmly greeted by an expansive Grunte , who presented the ladies with a flower and with grave courtesy showed each to her seat .
18 This led them into feeling that airlines and motor car manufacturers were their main competitors since they took passengers away .
19 As he led them into his large and sunny sitting-room , his scalp gleamed in the light .
20 As the Galks led them into the desert , the travellers could see the Cun arguing with the skull people , trying to reclaim their raw meat .
21 It broke the concentration of my players and led them into serious defensive errors .
22 A gaoler led them into the porter 's lodge , the fellow bowing and scraping as he recognised Sir John .
23 In all we promise the publick to be as careful as possible not to lead them into mistakes , nor will we mention any particular tree , plant , flower or fruit which is not in our own garden … we do not propose to mention many different species of trees and plants that are either in the public Botanick Garden , nor that may be in the possession of some curious gentlemen , but only such as are actually in the nurseries of persons belonging to this Society and from where any Gentleman may be furnished with any of the particulars here treated of by directing their letters for the Society of Gardeners at Newhall 's Coffee House in Chelsea , Nr .
24 His knowledge of classical music was very comprehensive — you only had to sing him a snatch of any symphony or concerto and he would be able to identify it immediately , but this is n't sufficient to get you up there in front of a hundred or more qualified musicians and be able to lead them into the opening bars of Beethoven 's 5th , or even the Warsaw Concerto .
25 So Swindon have a new man to lead them into the Premier League .
26 Yet here was this unkempt figure , his long hair lank on his shoulders , leading them into the jaws of the unknown and sounding like a Bible prophet .
27 I 'm caught in the cross-fire between on one side the US which wants to export computers , the motor and textile industries which complain they can not modernise and thus compete without a change in the law , and on the other side the Brazilian computer industry which argues we are leading them into bankruptcy .
28 Celtic 's offer of around eighty thousand pounds stands and Macari is now considering a package to take him from Stoke City where he 's a firm favourite with the fans after leading them into the English First Division .
29 Not that Andrew Orkney will dwell too much this week on leading them into the Canal Turn and over the final six flights and up the long finish and on to the post and becoming the first optician to win and riding into history .
30 I loved the bit where Kevin leads them into all those traps .
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