Example sentences of "lead [prep] good " in BNC.

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1 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke announced the Gallup findings yesterday as he unveiled a five-point plan designed to lead to better policing .
2 These advantages can not , however , be considered to be worth while unless they can be shown to lead to better glycaemic control or a reduction of long term complications of diabetes , or both .
3 There are close similarities too in the factors suggested by these investigators as leading to good marriages .
4 Thailand , with one of the fastest growth rates in the world over the past 25 years , has also seen one of the most rapid declines in fertility , leading to better health and education for the country 's children .
5 Common to them all is a need for compact plant which allows improved environmental performance and greater process control leading to better quality and more consistent products .
6 Our shorter lines of internal communication are leading to better service ; and our co-ordinated and increased research and technology effort will lead to innovation and product improvement . ’
7 ( 1985 ) suggest that participation per se does not cause better performance ; they hypothesize that participation in decision making strengthens the level of goal acceptance , and this leads to better performance .
8 Planning of ward rounds and non-urgent procedures in conjunction with the nurse-in-charge leads to better organisation .
9 This demonstrates the difficulties in proving that higher expenditure leads to better health .
10 Similar research elsewhere leads to better overall outcome in the long term than does hospital admission .
11 This research is based on a contrasting hypothesis that a long-term relationship built on trust and obligation between a buyer and a sub-contractor leads to better cooperation in innovation , improved quality monitoring and prompt delivery , and that these gains outweigh efficiency loss resulting from rigidity in not switching customers or sub-contractors as prices dictate .
12 A recent study … suggests that German basic education leads to better examination performance than does the British ; and Japanese schools have always insisted on high achievement in basic subjects .
13 Because teachers are , on the whole , expected to have quiet , orderly classrooms they will be most likely to regard mathematics as relevant if it leads to good behaviour .
14 The use of the Definition Table led to better node-link-node triples .
15 The battle for respectability led to better cinemas but it was always conceded that real victory would only come through the production of better films .
16 Better tools required better' brains , and better brains led to better tools .
17 A planned strategy to take the company to the top of the market in temperature control and monitoring equipment led to better branding , more targeted marketing and sales initiatives .
18 Furthermore there were men at Warners who fully appreciated that a touch of the contemporary might lead to good , entertaining , and successful films-A deliberate Warner Bros policy to produce some social films had emerged and this was encouraged by Jack Warner himself , by his chief executives , Darryl F. Zanuck and then Hal Wallis , by a small team of directors and writers , and even sometimes by individual actors .
19 Keeping staff to a minimum and paying them very little obviously reduces costs , but it does not necessarily lead to good quality care .
20 A second example of the importance of giving opportunities to other people comes from the type of head who , in pursuing the argument that good management of a school should lead to good learning by the child , watches pupils for signs that they do in some way match hopes about independence of mind , wholeness and honesty .
21 It has introduced an ambitious Company Plan which will lead to better service , cleaner trains and more staff at stations and on platforms .
22 Perhaps television will eventually lead to better public comprehension of that much misunderstood institution of Parliament .
23 Future developments hopefully will lead to better and more reliable tests of platelet function able to establish the prethrombotic state with more certainty .
24 Interest is not just academic for it could lead to better industrial catalysts that mildly and selectively oxygenate organic compounds — normally an energy intensive process that is quite difficult to control .
25 However , the clues to the cause can lead to better ways of treating the disease as soon as they are recognised .
26 Jupiter is the planet of increase , which is worth considering not in terms of financial and material improvements but in the expansion of your awareness and self-understanding — an expansion which will lead to better things in the future .
27 Nevertheless , commentators believe that the cuts in UK interest rates and a revival in the economy could lead to better performance by smaller company shares .
28 Thomas said their improved performances should lead to better fixtures next season .
29 Open records should lead to better record keeping in the primary sector and will give further support to the general practice of consulting parents early about learning or behavioural problems .
30 This work could eventually lead to better machine vision systems and optoelectronic neural integrated circuits that would literally enable parallel computers to process data at the speed of light .
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