Example sentences of "yet [been] made " in BNC.

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1 What has not yet been made clear is that the vice-chancellors are seriously split over the issue and some are expressing grave misgivings over the direction being taken .
2 No claim has yet been made by any paramilitary group about his killing and the Royal Ulster Constabulary said yesterday they were not aware of any reason why he should have been a target .
3 Wickets have not yet fallen , double faults have not yet been served , bogeys have not yet been made .
4 No film has yet been made about LSD .
5 Electricity driven vehicles fulfil all the basic requirements of the consumer except that , so far , no battery offering a range comparable with that of a car has yet been made .
6 In a final report , which has not yet been made public the Atlanta group concludes that seven babies died of deliberate overdoses and that another 2 I deaths could have been avoided if the hospital had been better equipped to spot trouble .
7 ( The Bass Centre tell me this has now been superseded , although details of the new ‘ P ’ logo have not yet been made available . )
8 They had also established contact with 40 men under Major Chisholm who were organising a base for patrols from Memo , but contact had not yet been made with Australia , the powerful radio stations on the mainland 's north coast drowning out signals from Timor .
9 She said no decision had yet been made on extending the Bosnians ' stay , but said nobody would be sent back .
10 Essex Police are investigating the incident but no arrests have yet been made .
11 No request has yet been made for extradition .
12 The Committee , however , in the first of its two reports in 1953 admitted that , despite isolated adjustments , no general or widespread changes had yet been made ( HMSO 1953 ) .
13 Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc have successfully completed their project to bring the Macintosh system to mainstream computing , but no decision has yet been made on a commercial follow-up : Novell chief financial officer James Tolonen says the companies wanted to see whether Macintosh System could run atop a different operating system and on a different chip , yet still maintain the user-friendly features of the Apple system .
14 No decisions have yet been made as to pricing , but O'Connell says ACT intended to make it as easy for existing customers as possible .
15 Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc have successfully completed their project to bring the Macintosh system to mainstream computing , but no decision has yet been made on a commercial follow-up , Novell chief financial officer James Tolonen told the Hambrecht & Quist conference .
16 No date for a decision has yet been made but the council hopes to hear in the near future .
17 No official announcement has yet been made by the DoH , but it is understood that the new ‘ community care unit ’ is to be headed by Liz Wolstenholme , general manager of Bradford Family Health Services Authority and one of the 18 members of the original Support Force .
18 Due to a lack of adequate accommodation no precise analysis has yet been made of the ex-German holdings .
19 Clearly , the work on these lower levels is far from complete , but the contrast between these and the higher levels ( in which no investigations have yet been made ) is conspicuous .
20 Most obviously , despite their efforts to provide an analytical framework for the observation of this second face of power , no fully successful effort has yet been made to operationalise their analysis .
21 He believes that the definitive Vietnam movie has not yet been made , and will not be made until relations between the US and Vietnam are normalised .
22 Dear friends now we are children of God and what we will be has not yet been made known .
23 Are we a children of God and that we will be as not yet been made known but we but we know that when he appears we shall be like him .
24 Events , often severe shocks , continue to occur , and may cause minor or major changes of direction , provided that no final and irrevocable decision has yet been made .
25 Whilst this change has not yet been made , the £500 limit is now calculated without reference to any sum claimed or amount involved in a counterclaim .
26 Nevertheless this is the most prescriptive statement of the professional roles in this field that has yet been made .
27 We have now examined into Master Hussey 's means , and we are satisfied , ’ said the prince , very gravely and courteously , ‘ that even though no exact inventory has yet been made of all the property passing to you , Master Hussey , by your uncle 's will , yet you have certainly acquired assets which must be disposable , and of such a nature as to be very readily disposable .
28 Does the hon. Gentleman acknowledge , therefore , that a number of schools have not yet been made safe for pupils ?
29 Although the decision has not yet been made , that ECR is likely to be approved .
30 Now several alternative notations are available , and no attempt to evaluate all of them has yet been made .
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