Example sentences of "yet [vb pp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 However , radicalism makes outright cancellation a possibility — for if the station stops providing jobs ( or , rather , provides jobs in places that have not yet welded themselves into a firm lobbying coalition ) what is it good for ?
2 They looked empty and forlorn as if they had not yet adjusted themselves to their premature change of life .
3 Indeed , it is not uncommon to hear a tournament player of four or five years ' standing confess that she has not yet given herself a fair chance .
4 At this stage regional officers had not yet committed themselves to any specific role in the implementation of the new policy .
5 He had talked to the paper and was agreeing to join , but had not yet committed himself .
6 No manufacturer has yet committed itself to using the Cosworth engine , which is expected to be fully ready for production by June .
7 Back in the days when he had yet concerned himself with the world .
8 Despite our progress , no satisfactory way of countering the Morton book the way we did with Lady Colin Campbell 's has yet presented itself .
9 Negotiations continue but no clear way forward has yet presented itself , the Cooking Centre is zoned for housing and there is little prospect that the Region would be prepared to acquire it at the residential land value — £150,000 .
10 The exhibition Ladislav wanted me to see and which he had not yet seen himself , was a series of documents and photographs relating to the events of 1968 , none of which had been made public before .
11 The fact that philosophers have not yet persuaded themselves that they understand the idea that facts can be causes should not cause us to rule out all appeal to fact-causation as philosophically unsound .
12 His only problem was , would he survive long enough to see through what was in some ways the most monumental task he had yet set himself ?
13 In other words , CBT has not yet proved itself in conceptual training where , perhaps , knowledge-based systems and artificial intelligence may need to be deployed .
14 She ran them to ground eventually in the bottom of Dorothy 's wardrobe , an area she had not yet steeled herself to clear .
15 In much of the best late sixth-century work one senses a struggle , the artist hardly able to contain his vision within the conventions he has not yet brought himself to break .
16 The writer of this book has to confess that so far he has been so hidebound by tradition that he has not yet brought himself to write key-signatures for the horns , but he admits that the only argument in favour of this is that the lack of signature acts as a guide to the conductor 's eye in spotting the horn parts in the score .
17 None of the declared candidates was credited with much chance of winning the presidency ; the incumbent ( Republican ) President George Bush was regarded by many as unbeatable , and this assessment was thought to have deterred other better-known Democrats from entering the race ( although the Rev. Jesse Jackson had not yet ruled himself out ) .
18 The hon. Gentleman has completely failed to understand that he has not yet asked himself the question , ’ What is a region ? ’
19 Edward had not yet covered himself with military glory , but he had revealed a sureness of political judgement which was to stand him in good stead in the greater military endeavours that he embarked upon in 1337 .
20 Braque , on the other hand , although he was only six months younger than Picasso , was slower in his development and had not yet established himself as a particularly original or significant painter ; indeed , Braque subsequently came to feel that the paintings he executed in Antwerp during the summer of 1906 were his first creative works .
21 Begin with a light regime and then gradually increase the work-load as the acute phase ( the period when the injury is most painful but the effects have not yet manifested themselves ) comes to an end .
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