Example sentences of "believe that most " in BNC.

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1 We do not believe that most ordinary families in this country could afford to pay any more tax .
2 So so I I I think Mr Mayor that although this debate has erm raised people 's erm eye a little , I do believe that most of the people here have got the wrong end of the stick in what was being proposed right .
3 Before Tiananmen , Britain had ducked the question by professing to believe that most Hong Kong people cared little about politics , and that those who did favoured little or no change .
4 Throughout her work , she tends to regard the happy , mature , and stable woman as an ideal reached only occasionally , and to believe that most women are unhappy and inclined to unworthy behaviour .
5 Thus although much has been achieved , it would be a mistake to believe that most of the problems have been solved .
6 It was hard to believe that most of these islands were populated and we often caught glimpses of island ferries plying industriously between lonely rockbound piers .
7 Hong Kong authorities believe that most boat people will acquiesce rather than violently resist attempts to send them back to Vietnam , but this apparent passivity can be deceptive .
8 Although they accept that these numbers include practising Christians unable — or unwilling — to pay the tax , they believe that most are people who have long drifted away from the church .
9 WE hear that there was a big attendance at the first meeting of the new Basingstoke branch of the League Against Cruel Sports , when the League 's information officer , Kevin Flack , told them : ‘ I believe that most people are opposed to hunting but it has been recent antics of the Quorn Hunt and publicity from the MacNamara Bill that has convinced them that something has to be done to put an end to their activities . ’
10 I believe that most of the incidents that I have described will strike a chord with the vast majority of black people .
11 Some economists believe that most exporters are unprofitable at an exchange rate with the dollar of ¥115 or higher .
12 We do not know yet what causes a cell to become cancerous but scientists believe that most causes are linked with our environments and how we live .
13 We believe that most women may still be advised that vaginal delivery can be safely accomplished when a term fetus presents by the breech and that there is no case for routine elective caesarean section .
14 I believe that most men have an inborn desire to hunt and kill and that even today this primitive urge has only been eradicated in a small minority of the human race .
15 With respect to the Secretary of State , I believe that most right hon. and hon. Members found very unconvincing his explanation as to why such a provision could not form part of the Bill .
16 However , auctioneers believe that most of the applications will be for eight to ten-month-old store cattle .
17 what did fraud oh Freud believe that most sons wanted to do to their mothers ?
18 Now I personally believe that most erm policy makers in Britain , and indeed in most other industrial countries , do n't really believe the Third World matters to them at all .
19 ⅓ of drivers questioned believed that most accidents happen on Motorways .
20 With good reason , Disney believes that most French people do not share these views .
21 Sitwell believes that most of her time was spent at needlework , reading , and gardening .
22 At least one member of the committee has no objection to the committee 's papers being publicly available and believes that most data in licence applications could , with little loss to anyone , be made publicly available .
23 At the other extreme , Prof Patrick Minford believes that most of the UK 's problems are cyclical and will disappear as a spontaneous recovery takes root , filling the Chancellor 's coffers with tax revenues and creating new jobs , so long as the Chancellor has continued to keep inflation under control .
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