Example sentences of "believe that such " in BNC.

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1 He was supported in this view by Mountbatten , who , with his experience as Supreme Commander South-East Asia and Viceroy of India , believed that such a course was desirable for efficiency 's sake and was practicable .
2 Many people believed that such low molecular weight products were all one could hope for from ethylene .
3 He ‘ believed that such a commonplace action expressed a careless insouciance , whereas it really betrayed his fretting nervousness .
4 Norris believed that such national assets should remain in government hands ( pp. 30–1 ) .
5 He believed that such an event would lead to a loss of belief in the will of the USA to maintain her commitments throughout the area .
6 One chief executive believed that such thinking was so important to his organization 's success in a high-tech field that he staged a highly imaginative top management meeting .
7 The old regime believed that such accountability and planning ran counter to the culture of academic autonomy .
8 The statement added that ministers " believed that such a medium-term strategy was the best way of reducing potential risks and uncertainties in the current outlook " .
9 The CIGS , General ( later Field Marshal ) Sir Francis Festing , felt the price of Sandys ' Reformation was too high and considered resignation , but the other Chiefs would not support him , believing that such gestures would have little impact on a government that had the full support of Parliament and the electorate for its Defence policy .
10 The search must be no more than reasonably required for the purposes of discovering such evidence and there must be reasonable grounds for believing that such evidence will be found .
11 Does Mr Baker really believe that such dishonesty and repression provide a ‘ strong family background ’ ?
12 Admittedly , the thought-processes of anyone still undecided which way to vote on Thursday must be mysterious or vestigial : but I can not believe that such nonsense will have the slightest effect on the result of the election .
13 Dewey saw that there was a potential conflict between the ideal of education as an instrument and that of education as self-development , but he could not believe that such equally desirable ideals could ultimately be in contradiction one to the other .
14 One might believe that such matters were outside the review 's purview .
15 Do we really believe that such an instinct is to be found encoded only into molecular and electromagnetic patterns within the brain ?
16 We do not believe that such operations can be shown to meet our public transport target safety level , and it may be that some of our European colleagues do not consider such operations to be public transport , or do not apply the same target level of safety to such operations .
17 As with the comments of Heald , Shawcross and others after my documentary on the police , I do not believe that such an interview would attract that sort of attention today .
18 Burton 's devil was a terrible and limitless sense of driving pleasure : it was fuelled by awesome capacity and the hunger of those who can not believe that such fortune will not vanish before their appetite is appeased .
19 I could not believe that such an outburst of violence could happen in Fontanellato , where everybody , including those who belonged to the party , seemed to be more or less on good terms with one another , but when I arrived home I begged my father to be careful and to avoid discussions with anybody except the doctor .
20 No limitations were written into the English and Welsh legislation , and I do not believe that such a limitation is appropriate in this case .
21 Carrington did not believe that such a thing could happen , or would .
22 I do not believe that such a case will ever be found .
23 ( And no-one should believe that such sums as these would apply only to obscure text books ; even the basic paperback novel could be thus affected . )
24 Others maintained that , even if he knew nothing of these crimes , he was morally responsible in that he had contributed substantially to the general climate which allowed members of his organization to believe that such acts were justified in order to destabilize the government of Terence O'Neill .
25 It is difficult to believe that such a mechanism could have predicted the success of a full size lift .
26 I sincerely hope that it has been picked up by accident and that I will be re-united with it soon , as I find it hard to believe that such an incident could lead to its deliberate theft .
27 However , it can be argued that prescribing of psychotropic drugs when marital and social difficulties are pre-eminent might encourage the patient to believe that such problems are due to ‘ illness ’ and therefore not surmountable by his own efforts .
28 They could hardly bring themselves to believe that such people could behave politely .
29 whereby that person is likely to believe that such violence would be used or it is likely that such violence would be provoked .
30 ‘ whereby that person is likely to believe that such violence would be used or it is likely that such violence would be provoked ’ .
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