Example sentences of "believe [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 US Congressmen believed economic unity , by leading to greater efficiency , would guarantee that Marshall aid was well spent and even demanded evidence of greater integration before agreeing to support Marshall aid payments .
2 He turned down a job in a famous public school and wrote to Aunt Lilian , a long , very high-flown letter , saying that he believed social segregation in education to be totally wrong and that he could have no part in perpetuating it .
3 THOSE who fondly believed British tennis could get no worse have again been proved wrong .
4 It was the fact that people believed sexual liberation was going on — somewhere else — that was influential , even if it was not really happening .
5 In particular , the New York Times/CBS poll of Oct. 22 found that 79 per cent believed foreign policy less important than home issues , that only 37 per cent approved Bush 's handling of the economy , and that 56 per cent believed that the recession was getting worse .
6 Many believed Japanese territory alone could not sustain the rapidly growing population , and the economic pressures for emigration , mainly to Manchuria , Brazil and the US , were considerable .
7 Charles III 's minister , Floridablanca , believed good government would solve the colonial problem ; this was a profound misconception , inherited by Spanish liberalism , for it was not mal gobierno that the creoles rejected but government by peninsulares ( peninsular Spaniards ) as such .
8 Johnson believed good humour an acquired quality , one which came with the ageing process , and came of learning to please others rather than the child 's instant gratification of pleasing itself .
9 Spokesman Simon Boxer said : ‘ It was dreamed up 20 years ago when scientists believed nuclear power would save the world and feared we would soon run out of uranium .
10 Influenced by a learned correspondent , Girolamo Mei , a philologist and student of ancient Greek music and drama who rightly believed Greek music to have been monodic ( but seemingly supplied Galilei with thirteenth-century Byzantine melodies to Mesomedes ' hymns under the impression that they were ancient ) , Galilei argued that the polyphonic ‘ music of today is not of great value for expressing the passions of the mind by means of words , but is of value merely for the wind and stringed instruments , from which the ear … desires nothing but the sweet enjoyment of the variety of their harmonies …
11 A Ford spokesman said he believed industrial action was a long way off .
12 Ford personnel director John Hougham said he believed industrial action was still a long way off .
13 Ken Livingstone , now a humble Labour backbencher , was leader of the GLC and guru of those who believed rainbow-coalition politics was coming to Britain .
14 With some modification , this view , expressed in African Political Systems , is generally accepted , Recent research would broaden even further the category and also include systems where descent groups are linked one to another by marriage , rather than by believed common descent .
15 A survey could be done to discover what individuals believed recent opinion polls showed , and to find out which candidates the individuals themselves supported .
16 Healings , exorcisms , tongues , prophecy are merely the spectacular tip of the iceberg , the heart of which is a living , loving , believing Christian fellowship .
17 He told the Guardian that he believed senior management took deliberate steps to hush up the dangers .
18 Ken did n't believe Ace Cool had surfed a thirty-five-foot wave .
19 I really do believe sexual possessiveness is something we should struggle against , no matter how difficult we find it .
20 Do you believe violent death leaves a kind of surge of energy behind it which is really what 's meant by ghosts ? ’
21 While they still maintain feminist art history should raise ‘ fundamental questions for art history as a humanist discipline ’ , they do not believe feminist art history should be confined to the documentation of women artists ( as a form of additive history ) .
22 He has said many times that he does n't believe American public opinion will withstand the return of a lot of body bags .
23 ‘ I do not believe urban barbarism is about to engulf us .
24 ‘ We believe regional government is the best way to get power down to the people . ’
25 Firstly we believe representative government to be an unprincipled fraud and propose a radical alternative in the form of participative democracy .
26 But I also believe patristic Christology to be more hopeful than that of any other period in our quest to find a Christology which is inclusive of women .
27 In the reward area , I believe public recognition is almost as important as financial reward .
28 Police believe British spy Ian Spiro cold-bloodedly walked from bedroom to bedroom and murdered them .
29 But the converted believe High Pressure oxygen stops the process .
30 Special circumstances are required to justify the er proposing the new settlement through the local plan structure planning process , and I believe that is exactly what has occurred over the last five years , and if I could just quickly run through paragraph thirty three of P P G three , and the your invitation for us to comment on the criteria set out there , first of all the first element , the ex the alternative must be erm seen to be a less satisfactory method of providing land for the new housing that is needed , that is the essence of what has occurred in the process which the County Council has undertaken over the last couple of years , all of the policy options available have been examined in great detail , have been subject to public consultation , public participation , d I believe clear view was that there were erm constraints operating on York which meant that not all of that additional development accommodated in the adjacent to the existing er York city villages surrounding York .
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