Example sentences of "believe [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Not that Henry believed in any of that rubbish about possession or reliving history or the power of the myth .
2 ‘ Carrington , I must admit I never much believed in any of this malarkey , but it looks as if I 've been proved wrong .
3 Mani attacked the church for using wine ( an invention of the devil , he thought ) , and for believing in any special significance for the sanctified bread .
4 She wanted to say , ‘ Because of Maggie and Rachel and Lisa and the garden and duty and sunshine , ’ but alone in the darkness she did not believe in any of that .
5 Some religious traditions , it needs to be remembered , do not believe in any god .
6 I do n't believe in any hard and fast rules when it comes to hanging the best work .
7 Ludens did not believe in any personal God , least of all in the unattractive authoritarian figure of Jehovah .
8 She quickly told herself not to be ridiculous , that she did not believe in any of that mumbo jumbo .
9 They did not believe in any form of resurrection .
10 They did not believe in any form of resurrection yet they asked a question concerning this topic .
11 She 'd always done very well , had lots of friends , been very settled , nothing to make me believe in any way that she was disturbed .
12 He does n't believe in any other world but the one he lives in and sees .
13 If there was anything here that came to him from his father , it could be nowhere but in the church , and he had never yet been allowed past the gate-towers , and could not believe in any such concession now .
14 But for the young , it is rather a question of the scales falling from their eyes , and having nothing to believe in any more .
15 You are hurt , I know , and unable to believe in any man 's decency , but try to believe that whatever happened to you I still love you ; you have not changed for me , it makes no difference , no difference whatsoever — except that I want to kill the man who hurt you . ’
16 The various risings must be seen as spontaneous popular movements , and there is no reason to believe in any central leadership which attempted to control the revolt .
17 The pupils should recognise that religion is an interesting and useful area to study , without feeling that they are being forced to believe in any particular religion or faith .
18 I do n't know what I believe in any more , except that there must be thousands of nomes out there we do n't know about .
19 I 'm not sure what I believe in any more .
20 The place gave Johnson another whiff of anthropology : here he stood as if in Africa or Arabia , greeting wild natives in their habitat : these Macraes might have been Xhosa tribesmen , or Tuaregs : ‘ The villagers gathered about us in considerable numbers , I believe without any evil intention , but with a very savage wildness of aspect and manner . ’
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